
Horse getting Teeth floating?

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My horse is getting his teeth floated tomorrow. Recently I bought him a new bit. And the first time I tried it on him he was fine. However since then he throws is head up and doesn't listen to cues. I think the bit is hitting the two teeth close to the gap in his mouth (where the bit rests). I've heard of wolf teeth, could that be it? If so will they have to be removed?




  1. By the age of 7 most all horses have had their wolf teeth removed. It would be rare to find one who has not. Most are done the first time they have dental or some time during their early vet visits.They heal quickly and it should not be a problem even if needs them pulled.

    They are small and pull easily.

    If you are using a shanked bit and normally use a curb chain and are not now yes that also can make a huge difference. Shanked bits work on pressure below the jaw from the curb chain and so not udsing one  will eliminate that source of pressure and give the horse more freedom to do as he wants and less cues from the bit.

    I would take the bit with you and let the vet look at it place and see if it is hitting anything in his mouth and go from there.

  2. It could  be his teeth or it could just be that you are fidgeting with his mouth or he doesnt like the bit

    however  if he does have wolf teeth that could be the problem. my friends horse had wolf teeth and he had to get them removed but it didnt take very long. Hope your horse is better soon!!!!!!

  3. He might just not like the new bit. My trainer was using some harsh bit on my old Saddlebred and she hated it so much. She would constantly be throwing her head back and not following cues.

  4. It may just be that he does not like the bit, but it may be his wolf teeth. It seems to me that his wolf teeth would have bothered him when you first got the bit. Also, some stallions/geldings get another set of teeth around 10-14 years old, and those can cause problems too. Tell the vet about your problem and he can look at the teeth and tell you for sure what should be done about them. Hope this helps!

  5. The bit generally doesn't interfere with the canines if it's fitted correctly.

    One purpose of the curb chain is to keep the bit in the right place.  If you watch the action of the bit when you're on the ground, you'll see that when you pull back on the reins, the leverage action of the curb tends to lift the bit in the mouth. That will press the port, etc., into the roof of the mouth, where he's not used to it.  He'll throw his head up to avoid it.

    Look at his teeth with the bit in,  You should be able to see if it's hitting anything.  If it is, it's probably more a matter of adjusting the bridle than adjusting the teeth.

    But it's always a good idea to have their teeth checked!

  6. I agree that you should show the bit to the dentist and get his opinion on what is going on here.

    Have you tried switching back to the old bit - what happened ?

    FYI we left the curb chain off my horse's bit because it didn't seem to be doing anything and there was a huge difference in his behavior - basically he was a total pig so we put it back on again and he was back to normal. So yes - the lack of a curb chain can make a difference.

  7. Take the bit with you tomorrow when you are getting his teeth floated.  Your vet can take a look before the floating and see what the cause may be.  Since your bit is almost identical, I feel it is probably the teeth.  Did you get the same material as the old one?  If so, than I still feel your vet can solve this issue tomorrow.  Vets are great for that!  If it turns out that it is not hitting or interfering with his teeth, than you may indeed be fidgeting or anticipating a reaction and by doing that inadvertently cause a reaction.  Did that make sense? lol  I hope this helped a smidgen and I am sure he will do fine at the vets.

  8. They should be removed...they serve no function and can cause problems, so they are usually removed.

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