I am in love with a horse at my barn. She came maybe about 4-6 months ago and had some problems but they were all fixable (like bobbing her head). But she has just been acting up for the past 3 months. I stopped riding her for a while because we had been trying to hard to fix her during my lessons that we wouldn't work on my riding.
She doesn't like to stand still, or trot slowly, she over-reacts if you squeeze her and won't canter in a line, she just spirals inward. When i rode her this morning, she picked up her feet really really high at the trot because i had to hold her back, and when i asked her to canter she totally flipped and got strong and bucked a little almost happy buck. She doesn't get ridden often because of her problems and when she is turned out, she is alone...i'm not sure why, probably behavior problems, but i have no clue, and i don't think she gets turned out in a feild very often, i think it is a shoot. Are there trainers in Maryland that work with this?