
Horse kicked me in the face. What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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My brain doesn't think good since that horse kicked me in the face. It still hurts. Should I go to doctor?




  1. Hahaha! Ur funny. Go see a doctor, and get that brain of urs goin'

  2. ...i hope u guys realize this is a fake question

  3. Yes - You need to see a Head Doctor!

  4. I got kicked once by my mare. I just kept feeding her apples. True story. She did kill one of my canine teeth with that shot. Had to get a root canal. Sounds like you didn't duck as well as I did.


    did you have a horse hoove imprint on your face???!!!

  6. wtf~ i cant stop laughing right now!!!~

  7. Call a doctor.

  8. Yes, you should go to the dr.  Call 911.  Do not drive.

  9. for number one how you get kick in face?

    for nuber two dide why you talk so silly?

    for number three are you silly that you able to find yahoo answers and ask the question, when you could be at the ******** doctors?

  10. yes, go to a doctor.

  11. riiiiight

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