
Horse lame in LF hoof need help finding solutioins?

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I have a five year old appendix gelding who had been lame in april on his LFon and off for 3 weeks and after a nerve block to the foot we determined the lameness was in the hoof. Xrays and ultrasound were clean so the vet injected the coffin joint and we gave him a 3 weeks rest and he seemed to be back to normal. He returned to normal work for over a month and then he was "ouchy" when i went to ride him on a monday, by tuesday he was at a 3 on the lameness scale. He had no heat, pulse or reaction to hoof testers. A different vet came out on Weds. He did a nerve block and determined lameness was in hoof again. He pulled the shoe and decided to treat for a bruise or abcess first before we jump to other things. We wrapped the foot and have been soaking for a week with bute for first 3 days and he seemed to be getting better. I am going to have the farrier put the shoe back on but since this has happened twice and two vets have done two different things could it be something else.




  1. Pull the other shoe, leave them both off, and get the farrier to open his abscess if he has one, otherwise 6 weeks off without the shoes to let him heal.

    And stop doing those d**n nerve blocks, they're damaging every time you do it.

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