
Horse lovers... what would you choose?

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would you choose your horse's health or a wild animal's?


would you trap ground hogs to get the amount of holes they dig in your horses's field down/gone?

and if you would trap, would you kill the animal or relocate the animal?

and last if you reloacte the animal where would you take it?

*please do not say "the wild" or "the countryside, b/c that is my back yard where my horse fields are located*

thanks, and try not to be too rude, share your thoughts, gather your two points, and don't be too offended by this question, it's just that.. a question.




  1. I would choose my horse's health over that of a wild animal, especially a common wild animal such as a groundhog.

    I would probably trap the animal as opposed to killing it except that I have 2 dogs who kill the groundhogs on our farm, so they aren't much of a nuisance to me, now.

    I would relocate the animals by driving them to a heavily wooded area or by contacting animal control or a wild animal rescue program to see if they can relocate the animal if I can trap it.

    A large thoroughbred farm a friend of mine owns, traps their raccoons and such and takes them to the back of the farm and lets them go.  It takes them a couple of days to find their way to the barns, but they really don't like killing them.

  2. Great question. ;)

    In our yard, our backyard, not the horses yard, there are gopher turtle holes. We have a Jack Russel puppy, and we were warned that if we TOUCH these gopher turtles, we can go to prison and be fined. These turtles have done nothing wrong, so I see no need in moving them with Animal Control. We just ride past them when I'm in my riding ring.

    We also have foxes. There is probably five of them, three are little, and they've gotten used to people. Across our barn is a sub-division that I believe is feeding the foxes. It's gotten to a point where the foxes can come up within ten feet of us and drink from out water troughs. Scary. = / Still, we don't believe that we should move them just because we're scared of them. Whenever they get too close to us, I'll scare them off, or I'll bring my dog to the barn and she'll chase them back to their den and leave them alone.

    Oh, if you ever have holes in your field, get two pieces of 2 x 4's, and then nail them together, to look like a big X. Cover the hole, and make sure that it's covered well enough that you can see it.


  3. If I have gophers or ground hogs or any other vermin threatening my horse's health then I will set traps or poison them.  

    It is not an easy thing for me to do but I won't have rats spoiling my horses' food or ground hogs threatening their health.  I make an exception for non venomous snakes when I find them eating my chicken eggs they get relocated not killed for two reasons.  They are protected in the state of Georgia and they eat mice and rats when they are not eating my chicken's eggs.

  4. I would trap them, probably killing them - why would anyone else want my pests ?

    We don't get groundhogs in the UK but we do get rats and moles that dig everywhere and we will shoot and trap them as we need to.

    For some reason we never get rabbits in our fields - I've always thought that was strange.....

  5. 1. Horse health all the way.

    2. South Dakota has a government program where if you have a prairie dog problem, they will come in and poison them for you. I'm not for relocation of prairie dogs...they ruin pastures and I've seen horses step in the prairie dog holes. it's not pretty.

    I don't know anything about ground hogs though...I've only seen one on t.v.

  6. I fill armadillo holes with large rocks (armadillos can't dig upward very well) this traps them inside.  I don't like to but the number that are in my pasture is a little frightening.  Otherwise a 22 takes care of them.

    And Ground hogs move 2 X 4's and horses ignore them once they are used to them so how would that help?  No the answer is to fill them in.

  7. its your job to keep your horse safe, not the ground moles.

    i personally have my dad kill them if we catch them.. but our cats and dogs keep them under control if you know what i mean...

  8. i would trap them.. or set my bloodhound out to the pasture since she catches them anyway.. but if i caught them first, id relocate them to the "back 40" of my neighbors 10 acre woods

  9. Horses health.

    Yes, I would catch a ground hog, and sorry to be so rude but I would get someone to kill the ground hog.

  10. I would do whatever is safe for the animal. Horses can get broken legs from stepping in holes that they don't know of. If the animals are biting the peacocks heads off then capture them and bring them to the local humane society. They will get rid of them.

  11. I would do whatever is necessary to keep my horse's safe. Horse's can break legs falling down holes made by wild animals. It depends on the animal as to whether I would relocate or kill it. Relocation is't always possible and to be honest I don't know where I could relocate to, so I'd aim to deter it.

    Hope this helps

  12. My horses safety would come first.

    It depends on what animal was trapped

    it depends on what kind of aniaml i would relocate

  13. Some of the outdoor rings and polo fields where I ride get gophers (I think) in them. The management traps them with Have-a-Heart traps and moves them to a back field that doesn't get used, but they just leave after we relocate them. I wouldn't kill them, but my horse needs to stay safe and the wild animals have other safe places that we provide for them, while my horse only has those fields

  14. I would look online and try to find somthing i could put down in the feild that the groundhogs dont like but is still safe for my horses.

  15. i would do anything for my horses and if it comes to protecting their legs like that i would. i think any horse lover should say that. i would relocate them to a park or a wildlife place.

  16. since i'm caring fot my horses I will do whatever neccisary to keep them 100% happy and healthy

    holes in the ground are extremely dangerous

    i would get those critters out as soon as possible!

    i would never kill them though.. i couldn't i can't even kill a bug haha

    i would relocate it far away and if i still have the problem i will call some pest control or animal control to deal with it because i just cannot kill a wild living animal.. someone else will have to do it for me..eehh.. this was a hard question

  17. My horses' health- no questions asked!

    ...I had a groundhog under my garden shed a few weeks ago, and someone told us to flood it out so that they'll relocate. We did fill the hole with water, and we see the groundhog sometimes, but he always stays away from us and our yard. Good luck!

  18. I would DEFINITELY choose to trap the wild animals if they're digging holes in your horse's field. If your horse is having a run, or even just walking and isn't looking where he's going (happens more when they run) he could step in a hole and break his leg, which usually means you have to put the horse down. I would much prefer to trap and relocate a wild animal than have to put my beloved horse down. I would probably take an animal like a ground hog to a big field that's empty (might have to get the owner's permission first) and let it go there. Good luck!

  19. well, i get gophers, ground squirrels and ground hogs. i would trap the animal. And set it free, there is a place down the road from where i live and it is a big field but it is far away from my horse field. because it is mean to kill them if you can release them, but if it is trapping season i would understamd because i hunt myself but i dont trap.

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