
Horse lungeing?

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where do I begin? What do Buy? I have a 2 year old filly I am trying to break. I have a halter/lead rope/square pin. She is halter broke. thanks




  1. i always started my horses out with teaching them to free lunge so she gets the jist of it....and i would only do it from 10 to 15 minutes.....when your done desensitize her to the whip so she knows it's a trainng tool and she doesn't need to be afraid of it.....then add the lunge rope it's more complex with the lunge rope but if you work long enough free lunging her she will understand. It's also easier for a beginner to start in a round pen. I wouldn't try mounting or riding her till she's three..her leg m=boes and muscles are strong enough to carry a rider. Horss ridden to early can develope leg problems.

  2. When we were trying to break a horse I had about 3 years ago, we had to by a lunge line and a whip. This will calm him down. When using the whip you don't hit the horse, you hit the ground and that will make him run and he won't be so hyper! Then we never got to train her fully so I really don't know what's next!

  3. Training a horse is alot easier if you have a round pen and you roundpen them in there, when you go to turn her step in front of her and point the other way..if when she turns she turns her butt toward you, it means she doesn't respect you make her go back the way she was originally going...just keep doing that until she turns with her head toward you and when you are done you horse should already trust you [[alittle]]...if you keep doing this your horse will totally respect you and trust you therefore training wil be easy...


  4. You need : Cavesson, Lunge line, brushing boots, lunge whip, roller, side reins and a bridle without noseband. Firstly you only need the cavesson, brushing boots and lunge line. Start off by getting her responding to your voice aids by just walking with her by your side and asking her to walk on and halt. Once she starts to listen without you having to use the line to stop start moving further away and repeating it. Once she is confident in this  ask her to trot along side youand once she is listening again move out and get her moving around the line with your voice. Dont over do it with her as she is still pretty young i'd do it for about 10-15mins at the most. I'd leave it at least a month or so before thinking about canter work and I wouldn't do th lungeing more than twice a week, And on the line if you can try and get her to keep out on the biggest circle by pointing the whip towards her shoulder at this stage dont use the whip to get her going keep perservering with your voice. I'd wait till she is a little more developed, confident and responsive before introducing the roller and pad and side reins. This is what I did with my filly when she was coming up to free and she is a very confident 7yr old now. I didnt fully break her though until she was rising 4. I did it pretty slow with her.

  5. if you dont know where to begin then should you really be trying to break in this horse? For lunging, to start off with you would need a lunge lein, lunge caveson (with the loops on the front) and a long lunge whip. To start with, het someone to start leading her around in a circle for you. Try and keep your left arm and right arm in a triangle with the horse. What ever you do, dont let her turn as this can cause a bad habit and bring on napping when you start riding her. As she is only a 2 year old, i would suggest leaving her for a while, as at 2 the bone structure isnt fully developed and you could cause more harm than good. Leave her until she is atleast 3, as by then she will be so much more stronger, as she is still a baby at the moment.

  6. I would recommend not teaching her to lunge, or at least, teach her other things before you get on. Get her respect on the ground, show her leadership, and she'll be so much better under saddle!

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