
Horse pasture on neighbors land? Legal with their OK?

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If I talk to my neighbor and get permission is it legal and OK to have part of my horse's pasture on their land? Or do I need to get legal permission to do this beyond their acceptance? We always use the field to walk in, ect. and it's an older person that we are friendly with you owns the land. Our land is very much connected right into it (we own part of the field not sure how much but they own majority).




  1. Not only do you need his permission in writing, but every possible liability issue needs to be outlined in writing.  You should consult an attorney to work it all out.

    ADD....not that you've asked, but since it has come up, adverse possession is a little more complicated than the way it's being presented here.

  2. yeah, perfectly fine. i do it too. my neighbor's kinda MAKE us do it too, cuz they don't use it and don't want the grass to get sky- high cuz they'll never mow it.

  3. It is perfectly fine as long as the neighbor accepts it, because then you wouldn't be tresspassing.

  4. Although a Verbal agreement can be a binding legal agreement, It is often wise and in everyones best interest to get a signed written contract. That way everyones interest is covered. Additionally if the current neighbors decide to sell, with a verbal contract you could be kicked out of the field the moment that the new owners buy the land. However if there is a written contract, you might not have to move the horses as soon.

  5. if the land is zoned and he's ok with it.  i don't see a problem.

  6. Ed is correct on the adverse possession, but of course, it's not nice...  Still, google it and read more, if you like to learn new things.  It is really interesting.  The slang term is "squatter's rights."

    Hobo is correct also.  For both of your protection, do at least a very simple, written agreement.  It would also be nice if you included some type of waiver in the agreement for the other landowner....i.e.--the owner of parcel B will not be held liable/responsible, etc. for injury/accident, to human or horse that occurs on parcel B.  If you have a friend in that field who is kicked by your horse in the head and is seriously injured, etc., they could sue your neighbor, which is not fair.  So, be kind and protect him in your agreement.  

    Although you would not use the adverse possession on the older person, if he/she passes away and the kids try to sell off the property for condos, etc., and it has been ten years, it would be useful to invoke this legal right ; )

  7. You failed to mention whether or not there were any zoning issues.

    absent that, and assuming there are no zoning issues, it is perfectly legal for you to pasture your horses on other people's property so long as you have their permission to do so.

  8. Why not  write a lease with your neighbor .  You can do it yourself.  Just put in the lease what you expect of them what they expect of you both sign and date it

  9. If  in residentioal area  may be code  of  such> as  1 horse  per half acre,  then may be no such code         .  You are  responsible if  horse  damamges  fence or  gets  out and  causes  accident.  Check fencing  well and  have  water  provided as  some  people  check on this  with animal control reports.  *mamatx

  10. Intriguing. You already know that you are "on" to something here.  If you use someone's land for 10 years without their permission, you can have the deed to that land.  It's called Adverse Possession.

    But if you want to be a good neighbor, just talk it out.  We shared with our neighbor because they had horses and we didn't.

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