
Horse people watch this video!?

by  |  earlier

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i saw this video and i couldnt stop laughing isnt it hilarious! i think it was made for somebody for their birthday or something but its hilarious, and so cute with the little kids singing!!!!!!so funny i just wanted to know if you agree?!!!




  1. cute idea

  2. That was adorable. Thank you for posting that one!

  3. Very cool, cute and clever.

    Yep that made us laugh !

  4. Thanks for sharing that video!  That was really cute.  I just sent it to my older sister after I saw it it.  She hates horses. That worked out just  right .  She is 55 today!  Only her name is Donna and not Mary!   You probably thought I was going to say her name is Mary!  lol

    Oh yes, the reason she hates horses is because we were at the fair and they had pony rides and the man let me ride one, but he told her she couldn't ride because she would break their backs!  They were real tiny little horses.  And she was a large child!  She cried for a long time about that!  lol  He could have told her he had an age or height limit!  But, he chose to be rude and hurt her feelings!  She was 8 years old at the time!

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