
Horse problem?

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ive been riding since i was 7 and im 17 now. And my horse that i have been riding for about 4 years now, it always feels like hes trying to unload me when were about to canter is there something that im doing wrong or is it something else? My horse is 7 years old and hes a quarter Morgan mix




  1. You could ask the vet to take a look at him. My uncle had a horse that gave him trouble going into a canter or run and it turns out he has authritis in his back. Medice for it helped. You can do a preliminary check your self by forming your index finger and thumb into a stiff V and running it down his spine applying pressure. He'll flich away from it some if his backs sore.

  2. You could be "gripping" or pinching your knees and tightening your seat when you ask for the canter, or you could be throwing your balance on his shoulders, so he wants you off. Do you have a trainer? It may be helpful for you to get someone else on him that you know wouldn't cause him to do anything, that way it proves if it's your riding or something else.

    You could try longeing him and see what he does... longe him just in a halter, so you can see his back. See if he has trouble then.

    There is also a good possibility that the issues are saddle fit. Make sure your saddle fits him correctly, and possibly get a saddle fitter out there to look at him.

    Good luck!

  3. Hi there,

    Your horse could be in pain. The saddle you are using on him may be pinching his shoulders.

    If you want to see if he does it with another rider get your coach or an expirienced rider to get on him and ask for a canter. ALso Lunging him to and se eif you notice anything from the ground.

    This may also be a behavioural issue but i would check to see if he is in pain first. If it is behaviuoral the you will just have to ask him for a canter and when he does his little ( hop or buck) take your crop and give him a not hard an dnot light tap behind your leg telling him that that is not acceptable now move on!

    Good Luck!

  4. What's his body language when you ask for the canter? Pinned ears? If so, maybe he's just bored. That is if you only ride in an arena. Get out more, on the roads, forest and beaches. Otherwise, it's probably just his taking off motion.

  5. If he goes on and moves out into the canter without any actual bucking he's probably just getting himself powered up to move into the canter. Many horses have a strong "take-off" into the canter before smoothing out.

    If he's doing it before you actually ask him to canter he is most likely second guessing you, he's starts gearing up before you do. Work on lots and lots of transitions both up and down. Always do it in different spots. He'll stop trying to second guess you and wait on your cues before getting ready.

  6. he may have a problem with ur seat on ur transition my horse was like like remember when your asking a horse to change from a trot to a canter you ask with your legs and as he realises what your asking for you need to seat and ride him forward untill he is cantering. it could aslso well be ur saddle

    what kind of saddle are u riding in and how old is it? check ur gullet and make sure it hasnt "Colapsed" and is digging into his sholders.

    there are many reason why this could be happening. another thing to look at is feed? are u feeding him to much hot food(grain).

    are u a narvous rider maybe he picks up on this and trys to test you. if he does you ride him forward and and dont let him firiten you and get away with it.

    how old is he how many hands? can u give us this info what are u feeding him ect ect

  7. may be he is finding u too hot to take on ride
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