
Horse quotes??

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I'm looking for some fun racehorse quotes...any kind! EX: "I am a great champion, when I ran the ground shook, the sky opened and mere mortals parted, parted the way to victory, where I met my owner in the winners circe, and he placed a blanket of flowers on my back."






  1. "The best ones always get hurt."- Ruffian burning from the start. (it's a book)

  2. I've always liked these by Winston Churchill

    There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.  

    No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle

  3. That one is a winner.

    "Here's a bit of advice, never bet on a slow horse."

    Jackie Lee

  4. " True Champions win with their hearts not thier hooves"

    "A horse gallops with his lungs,

    Perseveres with his heart,

    And wins with his character."

          ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœThe best horse doesn't always win the race”

    " If you feel dirt in your face then your not going fast enough" my daddy <and amazing horse trainer>
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