
Horse riding arena??

by Guest33159  |  earlier

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im thinking about buying some land and building an arena on it. what do you think?? is it worth while building? how much dose it cost for a good size, alround arena? how long dose it take? and anymore thoughts about it.

thanks. :-)




  1. I am not sure about the cost but it is definitely nice to have and arena in your  backyard. But make sure you get a permit first if you need one. We got busted and it took us 6 months to get the permit and it cost like $5,000 in the end. good luck

  2. a horse arena should be at least 120 x 60.that to me is a good size.materials and labor will cost you around30.000.$ it takes a little over 3 weeks to build. yes they are worth building,you can also hold other events in them,and rent it out to people,nothing like riding dry.i should know i build them for a living.if you need to know more feel free to ask.
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