
Horse riding for GCSE...?

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Ok so I now have to do it for my GCSE. It's not that I no longer want to it's just I've looked on Edexcel for the criteria and it looks very hard. Well... more like there is so much to do!! Can any please tell me how they got a high grade in it. Like what they did, how many mistakes they made.

I preferable want people to answer who got like 9/10 overrall on it and tell me how long they have been riding for, who they asked if they can do it for instance does their riding school let you do it there. Don't you video yourself doing it?

I know nothing





  1. Here is a video of my friends GCSE Horseriding she got a 10.

    I wish you the very best of luck.


    P.s you do film yourself. or get someone else to film for you :P

  2. Wow I want to do it. Hope you pass

  3. go for it

    film ur self and give them the film

  4. My friend did horse riding for GCSE PE too. She got a 9. She borrowed my little TB as she didn't have her own horse. It was actually quite simple and only took 1 day to do! She had to:

    jump a course of fences

    ride in a double bridle (though we cheated slightly and just put two reins on my pelham as my horse has never had a double on before - either the examiners didn't notice or they didn't care)

    walk, trot and canter on each rein and do circles, figures of 8, serpentines etc.

    show effective warming up and cooling down

    mount and dismount

    I don't think she even had to tack up, just the riding. Then an instructor had to "judge" it and give her marks out of 10 on a sheet. Another of my friends teaches so she did it, as obviously I couldn't do it with her being my mate.

    Good luck, it's really not that hard, my friend who did it hadn't ridden for all that long, and my TB wasn't very established at schooling at the time (he didn't work in an outline) and she didn't get marked down for the horse's performance. She was judged on her riding and how she reacted to what the horse did.

    Good luck!

    ADD: Yes, she was filmed doing it, and the tape went off to the GCSE examiners but the instructor assessed her whilst she was riding, not from a tape.

  5. Gosh, you are so lucky. I wish there had been a horse GCSE, in my day. (that would have been so much fun) Dont worry about it looking hard, I am sure you will be fine. Just do it.

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