
Horse riding is a pretty bad excuse for an olympic sport should it be banned?

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the horse does all the work trainers teaches them all the trick all the rider does is sit there like a fat lazy ****. if it wasnt in the olympics already and you suggested this "sport" the an olympic committies would laugh at you like you were telling a good joke. what next a chicken punching competition




  1. Just because you don't like it, you'd want to deprive those athletes of a chance to take part in the Olympics?  That's pretty selfish of you.

  2. you make a good point!

    they should put dodgeball in the olympics

  3. People that know nothing about it should not speak.  You clearly don't.  I am not into it but I am smart enough to know that the rider is the one telling the horse what to do.  

  4. It may not look like a sport to you but it's sure a sport to the people do it.  And it looks to me that the rider is telling the horse what to do. Don't hate just because you don't understand it.

  5. its equal work from the jockey and the horse. ban rodeos before kicking equestrian out of the olympics

  6. yeah i reckon horse sports are fucken g*y what was the deal with putting the piece of **** on channel 7 fucken wake up to yourselves

  7. Yes, it's pathetic. And, I'm not a Pam Anderson-like animal loving freak, but the horses look so tired and worn out.

    There are so many "sports" that shouldn't be in the Olympics.

  8. although your point is valid. My girlfriend rides horses, and i said the same thing, but she told me that the rider actually has to learn the patterns, then teach them to the horse, so although the horse is doing the work, the person trained them to do it, and she said that you cannot just jump on the horse without working them because of the "connection" the 2 make with eachother. But is horse riding really as bad as speed walking?

  9. I agree. The riders aren't really doing anything. When someone wins a gold for jumping as an example, it's not the rider who's the gold medal athlete, it's the horse! If the horses are really that good, it doesn't matter who sits on them and where's velvet blazers and funny tight pants and 300 dollar riding boot. Unless you are actually riding a horse to ride it, not to make it jump and do stupid stuff like that, "eqestrain" events are just things to do when rich people can't think of better ways to spend their money. If they insist on keeping these events, they should just scrap the riders and see which horse will WILLINGLY jump the highest. And the rider doesn't tell the horse what to do. It's not like if the horse was running full speed towards a jumping pole thing and the rider didn't tap it, they would just run into it. They know to jump. The rider doesn't effect that fact that the horse knows to jump over stuff that's in their way.

  10. still trying to figure out why sail boating is a sport

  11. wow you obviously know nothing about the equestrian SPORT and have no repect for the athletes. do you know how much muscle stength and stamina it takes to compete? and NO WE DO NOT JUST SIT THERE! we work hard at what we do and we train for it. and pretty much all hosreback riders don't just ride, they do tons of other exercises to keep in top shape.  have you ever ridden a horse that is constantly bucking, rearing, and fussing? you have to be able to calm the horse and stay on without hurting yourself or the horse! have you ever seen the movements of dressage? the horse walks sideways, crossing its legs over for both the shoulder in and the half pass. and watch the riders legs, they never move unless they're using their legs to ask the horse for something. do you know how much it takes to keep your legs still? a common comparison from the equestrian athlete is being able to sit against a stright wall with your knees bent at a perfect 90 degree angle for two hours. most people can't even last 5 minutes! you try sitting up against a wall and see just how long you can stay there!

  12. No way! if you have ever tried the sport you would know the rider doesnt just 'sit' on the horse, its actually quite a workout, for both horse and rider. You need to be fit and have strong arms and legs to stay on the horse, thats why first time riders always complain of being sore all over afterwards! sure the horses are the ones running around and jumping, but they work as a team with the rider. If the rider just sat back and did nothing the horse would just walk off somewhere looking for food. dont just go and critisize a sport when you know nothing about it!

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