
Horse riding lesson !!!!?

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Has anyone ever had a bad experience/embarrassing riding lesson ?

I did last night OMG I nearly died of embarrasment, I should just get over it really but it was embarrassing! I was trying to slow the horse down and he just wouldnt stop and he was getting more excited by the other horses cantering around and I wasnt helping, I thought the instructor said crack the whip...No she said drop the whip, so I give the horse a little knock with the whip, not hard and you can imagine what happened. The instructor wasnt very happy but I was fine, I like the excitment !! BTW, I wasnt being unsafe or nearly running over the other riders it was just a mistake. I would'nt mind but I have my own horse which I ride fine...It was well over two years since I had rode a 'school horse' and I guess I just forgot how they work haha ! mmm I wonder if I will be allowed back into that lesson next week ?!!




  1. That isnt realy a question for us to answer but i ride also lol i ride a piebald medium weight welsh cob and he is very slow you have to give him some leg to get him going and the other day i was put on crystal a forward going horse and me been used to kicking hard realy kicked her and she went galloping over the other sied of the arena with me she ran me into the fence lol x

  2. why would your instructor say crack the whip if you're trying to stop? They all "work" the same.  And you say you ride your own horse... oh dear

    No i'm sorry i refuse to believe that if you ride very well you don't know that ANY horse will react that way if hit with a stick.

    Im not being s****. and I can have a laugh with the best of them but not at the expense of a living creature that is solely dependant on you.  Why not ASK before doing if you think something isn't right

  3. It was back in the 60's when I was a working pupil at The Fulmer School of Equitation owned by the famous Robert Hall. He had 8 Lippizanna stallions and we often rode them. Anyway, as my parents were funding my training (I lived away from home and had to live in digs) they were invited to come along and watch me ride. We were all in the indoor school and I was on one ot the stally, called Basil (Maestoso Basilica) and he was obviously bored with me as a rider. So in front of the whole school and visitors he did an almighty buck and sent me straight over his ears to land flat on my back. Embarrassing or what???????????

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