
Horse riding like motorcyle riding?

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I read that horse riding is easy...

so should motorcycle riding be similar?




  1. I suppose. If you like the out of control feeling of speed and power, by all means just turn on the gas when riding a horse.....

    Besides the pounding of the feet and rocky motion of a  horse running beneath you, and the bird that spooks your horse making the horse slam the brakes unexpectedly....

    And the subsequent enhanced feeling of speed, power and loss of control while you fly over the horses head)...

    .....Yes, I guess it is similar. :P

    what kind of question is that??

  2. No it's not.. First your dealing with a living animal and his thought's where a motor cycle dosent have  any

    When above said wild I laughed ha ha

    They are broke when they race

    But every thing is very different

    No is your answer

  3. they are not similar at all and trust me it is not easy controlling a giant wild animal!!! whoever said that is was easy and sismilar was a dufus. horseabck riding is more fun

  4. It's not that easy trying to control a 1200 lb "wild" animal who has a mind of it's own. If they think it's real easy they probably had a really well trained horse. I'm not too familiar with motorcycle riding but I doubt they are's like comparing horseback riding to bike riding....completely different because remember this is a live animal compared to a machine.

    To matter how broke they are they will always be a wild animal....that's why I put it in quotes!!!

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