
Horse ripped out facial what?

by  |  earlier

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My yearling filly smacked her head on a corner post and split her face open right on her "browbone" abover her eye. The gash was pretty deep (I could put my pinky finger in it) and about 3" long. The vet came out ant stitched it, but 2 days after she has ripped out all the sutures and the gash is wide open again. It is oozing, though she is still on antibiotics and I have been cleaning it out. Vet wrap wont stay in this area. I hate to see it scar or turn to proud flesh...any ideas how to close this wound up? It's now too late to re-stich her.




  1. honestly use superglue.... it was originally made as a derma-bond  (skin glue) its sterile and will keep it closed.... also minimize scaring...

    hope that helps

  2. A horse sized bandage, if stitches are no longer an option?

    If not, just keep putting antiseptic cream on the wound.

  3. Why on earth would you ask this here rather than ask your vet?

    The wound has come open again, which can only spell trouble after it was closed only 3 days ago.

    Spend the money and call the vet. You certainly don't want complications, which are common in horses with a wound like hers. It's almost impossible to keep debris out of a wound that size, and antibiotics are given for only 10 days, which won't do much good if she gets a secondary infection.

    Osteomyelitis IS a risk, aid if it CAN be cured, it takes IV antibiotics and a long hospital stay; MUCH pricier than calling the vet NOW!!!!

  4. Sorry. At this point only surgery will close it. There will be a scar there permanently. Problem is, if bone is showing there is a risk of forming what is called "osteomyolitis"(infection of the bone) - this can become lethal. Forget about the scar... Keep in contact with your vet every 48 hrs until the bone isn't visable.

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