
Horse rug material supplier?

by  |  earlier

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I am having trouble locating a supplier who has material for patches to repair my hors rugs also looking for the thread that is strong but will fit into an industrial sewing machine.




  1. options:

    a) if you can't find any locally, i would recommend buying some from robinsons or derby house or ride-away. they don't cost much.

    b) you can also give a rug to the retailer to repair. you may be able to ask a local retailer about this, then that can save  lot of money. it costs £5 where i am (in the east of england) and i didn't even realise that the retailers sold the material.

    c) you could get a patch of canvas, and that can make a nice patch up for a rug, i don't know what sort of thread to use for this, but probably darning thread, as that it hard wearing and thick.

    i'm sorry if i wasn't much of a help, but thank you for letting me answer!

  2. Hi !

    Please don't try to repair your horses rug.

    I have tried...

    and failed.

    I ended up buying a new rug because the material cost loads and I had to do it buy hand. A 30m Thread roll cost me £78 pounds it was really hard wearing plastic stuff that was used for stitch fences.

    I bought a new rug from robinsons...

    Good Luck!

    Go to your local fencing store or hardware store they will most likley have some.

  3. you should be able to get rugs repaired at rug washing services look in horse mart or pegasus if you get it your area

  4. Look in Horse and Hound and other Riding magazines.  There should be adverts somewhere for rug making materials and perhaps they can help you.  However, it would be better to get someone to do it because it does take some skill and a lot of hard work.

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