
Horse shoeing ?

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how often dose a horse have to get new horse shoes?




  1. I work at the local racetrack, and we shoe our horses every two to three weeks. Aluminum racing plates wear down pretty quickly. Our track "ponies" (they are horses, really) on the other hand, don't require shoes. We trim their hooves every 8 weeks or so.

    Not every horse requires shoes, but those who do, the re-fitting time varies from 2 to 8 weeks.

    Hope this helps.

  2. approx every 3 months unless they throw one(lose)

  3. Generally every 6 to 8 weeks depending on how much the hoof grows and how much wear the shoes have gotten.

  4. For a normal horse its about 6 to 8 weeks, but it all depends on genetics, about of work, how fast hoof grows, and etcetera. Consult your farrier and they should give you a good estimate.
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