
Horse show help me please?

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ok so theres this incroud at my barn that are the horse show people and theve been riding for seven years and i understand why they are showing because they either lease a horse or own one then theres a little eight year old who has her own pony too has been showing for a while but then theres a girl who has been riding for less than i have but has leased a horse for a little bit but shes jumping higher than i am and showing now were at the same skill level.and not to mention shes pushing this horse so hard she has spur rubs in her sides, anyway do you have to own or lease a horse to horse show and why is this girl showing when i havent even had my first show.and also whever i go on her lesson days i get throughn on a horse that teaches me nothing anymore because ive ridden him for two years but she only rode him once and whever she has a lesson thee are no other horses availible so i get thrown on this horse.




  1. Most of the time, yes, it does require you to own or lease a horse. However, there are situations where if you co-own or ride for a certain person, you're allowed to show. As far as shows are concerned where I live, as long as your name is on the papers at sign up, you can show.

    Where you take lessons, they may offer a program that allows students to show on lesson horses. It all depends on skill level, and at the barn where I took lessons, it was fairly pricey, so I didn't do that program. However, I do know several people that are, and they say it's a good time.

    However, if you're wanting to go to shows and your teachers don't offer this program, I'm afraid that yes, you're going to have to own or lease a horse to show.

    It doesn't seem fair to push a horse so hard, but sometimes, we just have to lay back and watch and learn what we see as right and wrong... Also, I know what you're going through. I was nearly surpassed by a seven year old because she owned her own horse. It's not fair. You can ask your teacher to go farther with your lessons, but other than that, I  don't know how to help you with that situation. I'm sorry.

    Hope this helps a bit!

  2. The girl you are talking about should not be hurting the horse like that. does the horse actually have cuts in its side because if so yoiu should tell the horses owner.

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