
Horse show help!?!?!?

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i am going to a fun show today and my horse is VERY new to western but i am riding in it to do barrles and pole bending! my dad wants me to do it for the experence but me or my horse arent ready to do speed barrles but i am doing them anyway. i wont win but am like i said doing it for experience but i am going to jog and trot them is that dumb to do speed barrels SLOW and do pole bending slow? i am kinda of embarrased and nervous? but do people understand what i am doing or just think i am DUMB?!?!?!?!




  1. I can understand how doing it for the experience can be very valuable, but riding your inexperience western horse in the speed barrels in jog and trot might leave you embarrassed and possibly disqualified.

    It is a given that you are entering a FUN show, but you said yourself that your horse is green to western.

    I would talk to your instructor/ trainer (if you have one) and get them to talk to your parents, or talk to them yourself.

    Explain clearly that although you would like to do these events, you don't think that you or your horse is ready for that yet and would like to get some more training and practice in, so as not to in danger yourself or risk getting kicked out of the event.


  2. I think that most people at a horse show understand that it takes time to bring a horse and/or rider along, and the sometimes you need experience before you are ready to move on to something harder. They will not think you are dumb, in fact they will respect you for knowing your limits. Most have them have probably been where you are at some time themselves. So have fun.

  3. The key here is "Fun Show".  This is the perfect place to try something new!  I've been to plenty of them and lots of little kids and people with green horses trot the pattern just for the experience.  Go, try it at a speed you and your horse are comfortable with, and most importantly HAVE FUN!  Pat your horse, smile and you'll be suprised at how many cool people will root you on!

  4. no thats not dumb at all. who cares what they think?

    what would you rather have happen...

    go slow and easy. HAVE FUN!! and have your horse feel good about a good preformance it just gave.


    go fast and get hurt. you say that you and your horse arent experienced at barrels so if you try to go fast then there is a huge chance your horse could get off balance and fall on his side with you on him.

    go slow and have fun. even ask tips from other riders that are more experienced at poles and barrels.

  5. Don't push yourself and your horse over your limits and run the risk on injuring you both.

  6. even if you don't plan  on winning make your horse do it right. doing it slow lot's and lot's of times is the best thing to do. like last night, my barrel horse started acting like a stupid re re going to the 2nd barrel so insted of letting him gallop like he wanted to i made him walk the rest of the pattern. then let him canter it the second time cause he did it right. so don't be ashamed to go slow especially if your horse isn't familliar with the paterns
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