
Horse show?

by  |  earlier

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So the last couple horse shows I havn't placed at all and I have a show tomorrow and I want to know what the probabilities are of winning. I have been practicing really hard and if I dont come home with anything for the 7th time I am going to break down cry and give up. Do you think I will do well? I have been practicing and have fixed a lot of bad habits.




  1. You could do good.  But dont give up if you do no good.  Winning Ribbons isnt everything.  and Consider this:  If it is a small time at a stable and there are a lot of people from that stable competing they have home stable advantage.  Judges know them and favor them. Also are you riding a class well suited for you?  Maybe you should start small with just a walk-trot class.

  2. This is the horse racing section.

  3. Don't worry i've had a judge tell me my horse should be at nationals and another say he was worthless.Don't worry about it just do your best.
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