
Horse showing this year...?

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i asked this last night at 2:00 am and of course got no My insomnia as i get older. Wanted to know how many of you are critiquing the showing schedule cuz of economy? I am only doing a few shows a qualifing one and then having to pick between the Big shows and wondering if its even worth the travel when i know Im not going to win. Everyone is re-thinking what they spend their money on, meaning clients. is putting off campaigning going on all over??




  1. Yes it is. the oil companies are messing with everyone, everywhere. My family have had a very tight budget causing me to give up the thing I love a few times(horse back riding, showing). Of course all I have made it to is a state show,which makes you so unique! It is a once in a lifetime thing to make it to shows like this. Who cares if you don't win, this is a great oppurtunity as itself, don't give it up and please, don't give up. If you do, you might regret it for the rest of your life. Aim for the stars, because aiming for the stars, and missing, is better then aiming for a pile of cow droppings and hitting it. Do what you love and never deny what you love because the price of gas.

  2. Hey there,

    Personally I am not changing our show schedule as I can't, it is our bread and butter! We show all of NY, some MA, VT, KY and do FL during the winter. And I must do all as we have clients showing their as well as us showing our own stallions and sales horses. However I do have clients who are "cutting back" because of the shipping cost now going so high do to the fuel. We have a 12 horse  horse tractor trailer and bring our show horses, and a few clients horses and I know our prices have had to go up and some clients have their own trailers but the ones who don't can't afford the commercial hauling, it depends I suppose on what people can afford and what they really "need" to do, they "need" to pay board (which ours is $1200 basic pr month) so thats alot as it is and they "need" to pay for farriar, vet, supplements ect, they don't "need" to show so some are opting out. I hope things get better with the fuel because its going to be a heck of a knock on our wallets come winter for Ocala and Wellington/Palm Beach season!

  3. well, technically I'm an event er, but since my facility is hosting the local hunter/jumper circuit I'm doing some hunter flat classes and some o/f classes..

    even if i did have a trailer, theres no way I'm paying the trailering fee!

  4. The economy really slams my thoughts on showing at the moment; but it is truly been the politices.

    I just don't like the fact that my horses and I can work so hard and perform better, but a barn horse that doesn't see daylight or know what "rolling in the dirt is" wins all because they have a "nicer look".  (That show quality "look". Not exactly based on performance).

    I just rather not waste entry fee, Diesel (not just gas), travel time and the emotions for someone else to win or even place over my horse's good performance over breed/price of  horse or the judges know the owner (a big one I see alot).

    I feel they do not deserve and not worth it in the end.  

    Even though barrel racing is not judged, only pointed and timmed, there is always those who can make the event turn sour. I had people start rumors about me giving my horse steriods because she is fit/fast (uh no, I would never!)..making me do all un-neccesary test/missed shows due to it, to people rigg'n the timers during pole bending. (someone confessed yet not faulted as he didn't show nor a part of the show).

    If I am to show, I have fun and do less expense in the open local shows that any breed, age and riding experience/training attends.  

    I rather spend that $200 and get my horse a toy they can play with or spend the gas to drive them to the beach to roll/play in.

    Honest opinion.

  5. I think that could be the case... ask again in about 3 weeks - we're having an A-class, it will be interesting to see actual numbers come the weekend of the show.

    But really, I'm only doing 2 or 3 graded shows this year as opposed to 7 or 8 due to flat economy, fuel prices rising to the ridiculous, increased feed costs, fall out from the old ei crisis, etc.

    Hope 2009 is better ;o)

    Edit:  I can see everyone else's points of view. The largest portion of entries for our next event at this stage are from pro showers entering client's horses.Just for me, though, our closest graded shows are over 200km, most are a 600+km drive, which is difficult atm. Showing is our best form of advertising and exposure also, but it's so darned dear this year for a lot of smaller operaters. The few shows I'm attending this year are solely for the exposure, and experience for the babies who haven't left the farm yet ... winning would obviously be a sweet bonus.

  6. It depends on who your judges are and who typically shows up at your shows.  If people are aware of any politics, they tend to stay home. We recently had one of the poorest showings, in numbers, at one of our breed shows that used to generate tons of entries.  The reason?  It was felt - by many - that the "politically correct" people would be there and no one even needs to watch the show to see who wins what.  Conversely, in the Northern part of our state, there were over 300+ entires (a good size for a non-regional) because the politically correct guys are known NOT to go to that show.  People felt like they would actually get judged!

    So, your clients need to remember why they do this, it should be for fun. If they are advancing towards a Regional or National it is important to pick your judges and locations, but once you get to playing with the "Big Boys" you have to remember that you go to enjoy the experience of showing at that level and with the nations best.  If you place, awesome, but if you don't you have to keep in perspective that it is the experience.  If you "need" to win vs "wanting" to win, makes the difference.  Hope this makes sense.

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