
Horse shows?

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I want to show my horse. I have never done it before..dont know much about it. She is a 2 year old. She is a palomino paint..not registered. I am working on breaking her right now. We have rode her bareback for a couple of minutes and she does fine. She just hates the bit.

Is it even possible for me to show her without her being registered? where do i begin




  1. She can be shown in most shows accept breed shows... ex. APHA. I'd start out showing her in halter classes. As a 2 year old I wouldn't work her hard undersaddle. Check out local shows in your area, you'll need a neg. coggins if your horse doesn't have one.

  2. I wouldn't even start thinking about starting a two year old. Don't even start thinking about showing her under saddle until she's at least four.

    A possibility... could she hate your hands? Maybe the bit isn't an issue....

  3. You can always show at open shows without her being registered.  If she has the paint markings, you can get her registered in the Pinto Association and show at Pinto shows, and open shows.

    One poster said to wait until she was 3 to start riding.  Most people start their horses at 2 years old, and as long as you aren't pushing her, and she seems strong enough to hold your weight, then you won't hurt her.  I've started all my horses at some point in their 2 year old year.  The growthy ones I started in the summer, the really sturdy ones in the spring, and just work them lightly, and don't try to do any really difficult training until next spring.

    If she hates the bit, try putting a little smooth snaffle in her mouth when she's just in her stall.  (Take the reins off though!) and just let her hang out with the bit in her mouth.  Then, you can put the reins on it after she's used to it, and practice bending and flexing her from the ground before riding her with it.

    Good luck!  You can show as much as you want, you just have to find the right ones.  Look into getting your girl registered as a Pinto!

  4. First: Stop trying to work her undersaddle. Wait till she is 3 your she wont last long.

    Second: Can you get her registered?

    Third: Yes you can show eventing, hunter/jumper, show jumping, dressage, barrels, pole bending and several other disiplines without being registered.

    Fourth: Get a trainer. They will get the training started at the right time and get both of you pointed in the right direction.

    Fifth: Showing should be a long way off for a 2 year old. Dont push her to hard or she will break.

  5. In our country you can only show a horse of this age in hand.

    For ridden show work they must be three years old.

    And for any jumping they must be four.

    So check out your local regulations. Showing in hand is fun, here we have a coloured horse section that you'd enter.

    Best of luck.

  6. Yes, you can show your mare in open shows and several other events that don't require papers...but if you investigate, you may be able to get her papers after all.  I don't know who "we" is, but "we" need to stay off her back until "we" teach your mare how to lead and respect your space and to know what whoa means.  Then you can begin lunging her lightly, no long trotting, no cantering and no riding under saddle or bareback, not yet, she is too young...I wouldn't even think of it until you get a vet to say that her knees are closed, but until then, you can also ground drive her, with the bit (which should be a very mild snaffle like a D ring or O ring) can teach her a lot before you ever get on her, don't get in a's hard to ride a horse with no legs.  You can even begin trailering her to little shows to get her used to the trailer, the other horses, the people, the noise...lots of things that you can and should be doing before  you get on her back...good luck, don't rush things and it will really be to your advantage if "we" get a horseman or pay a trainer to help you get started.

  7. You can go to plenty of shows. Just not registered ones of course.

    I would do halter classes with a two year old. You don't need to be riding her very much at all. I would take her to shows and not ride. Maybe enter a halter class that is it...until she turns three and you can start riding her a little more.

    Look up "horse shows in ___"  werever you live. Something will pop up.

    Good Luck...and have fun showing ^^
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