
Horse slaughter?!?!?

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why do people do this to horses?

do they have no hearts?

do they know what there doin is wrong?

whats your opinion on horses slaughter? cause i sure as h**l know mine

im very against it as you can see

what can we do to stop this?!?! =[




  1. The abuse is not the's what happens to the living, conscious animal from the moment it begins the journey to the slaughterhouse until it ends in it's slaughter.

    To abolish slaughter of horses leaves thousands with no place to go, starving and abandoned as rescues can't handle the numbers.

    Better regulation is needed and  minimum requirements for the humane treatment of livestock needs to be standardized throughout the USA

  2. 1.  Slaughter in the US was (it is now banned...) was very humane.  When they banned slaughter, one of two things happened to the horses that would have been slaughter bound. Either they A.  Got shipped to Mexico, to slaughter plants that are extremely inhumane, with no regulations whatsoever or B. Got left to rot away in some back pasture, with no medical or farrier care or C.  Got let go to live with the mustangs, which spells disaster for both the mustang breed and the horse living with them.  Domestic horses cannot survive in the wild, and the mustangs cannot survive when other horses with charecteristics that do not let them survive in harsh conditions interbreed with the Mustangs.  Not to mention the effect on the horse market, with it being flooded with unwanted, often abused horses that would have been slaughtered had the law not been implemented.

  3. AGHHHHH!!

    Wow, I've only been a member here for a little over a week and have literally seen this same EXACT question, (Which isn't ever actually a question, but a wild uninformed RANT) asked over 5 times.

    Before coming here I never realized how ignorant the younger generation was to this kind of thing...

    Here's some information for ya hun... Horse slaughter is a necessity in the world we live in today. Like it or not, we NEED it! There are thousands of horses a year that are being neglected and starved to death because jackasses like you think that you're doing the right thing by not sending them to slaughter.

    Slaughter's inhumane? Well what do you think about leaving a horse locked in a mud and S**t filled pasture with no food or water for months because your ignorant *** doesn't have the money for upkeep but doesn't have the "heart" to send them away to slaughter?! That kind of thing happens ALL the time.

    How bout this, you can dish out the money to either keep these horses or humanely euthanize them, cause darlin' that's the ONLY way it's going to happen. Don't have enough money? Of course not. So what makes you think anyone else does?!

    Educate yourself before you start blurting out nonsense and making yourself look like a complete moron.


    To Nichole-- It's time to come out of that sheltered little world you live in and start realizing what is really going on... The people on here that are deffending slaughter aren't "grumpy" we're real. We're telling you like it is and giving you the facts. Get a f*ck!ng clue!

  4. Hey,  man, people gotta eat you know!

  5. yadda yadda yadda...

    yes no one likes to see horses get hurt, the end!

  6. i dont know there mean......we saved a horse from slaughter

  7. Watch Animal Planet....Houston SPCA episodes...some of the most mistreated, neglected, starved horses I've ever seen AND THIS IS ONLY IN HOUSTON!   It breaks my heart.....I literally can't watch it anymore....Nuff said.....

  8. Only a horse lover like some of us could really understand how much we hate it (at least I hate it!) But when you think about...unless ur a vegetarian...its like eating bacon or beef. We eat perfectly good cows, chickens, pigs, duck, geese etc. But don't get me wrong I HATE HORSE SLAUGHTER. I was watching this program about a horse slaughter house in Mexico (only able to watch it for like less tan 5 minutes before started crying, felt queezy and had to turn it off) The states of some of these houses are just terrible! At least most of the animal I listed before were killed in a good healthy state. What they do to these horses is animal cruelty!!

    If you are weak in the stomach dont read on (it shouldn't be that bad)

    These people in the slaughter house, they don't even kills them humanly!! (remember it was on the news so it wasn't fake!!) Sometimes they will just pick a random horse and they stabed the horse with a knife until it was dead and they will whip them until they die or they leave them to die. I geuss it is more "entertaining" or "fun" then simply giving it a shot from a needle peacefully or whatever the humane way of doing it is!

    Anyway that is my opinon (and I am not saying regular non horse lovers can 't hate it either!)


    your opinion is your opinion but there is no need to attack people!

  9. It's unnecessary and brutal.

    It gives lazy people an easy way to throw away their "beloved" animals.

    It's far more cruel that cow slaughter.  The horses are shipped to mexico and killed using tools not designed for horses.   Some horses are still alive when their throat is cut or while they're being skinned.   Workers don't care -- they have to meet their quotas.    

    I have personally seen "kill pens" and been to "meat horse" auctions.  These horses are NOT suffering animals in need of euthansia.  They're just unlucky enough to be dumped at the wrong place.  Meat buyers logically prefer young meaty animals to old crippled skeletons.   So they kill our sound horses and it still doesn't solve the problem of badly suffering horses who should be euthanized.

  10. This subject has benn talked to death....So to speak.

    MOVING ON!!!!!



    THAT is the "youtube" generation.  UNINFORMED sheep who get their opinions TOLD to them by short, more often than not "stupid" little blips on Youtube.

    Not bad enough we have idiots in the world today who couldn't form their own opinion on what color shirt to wear, now they get their opinions from there....YIKES!!!!  See what the world is coming to because parents do NOT teach their kids to think for themselves.  Arm themselves with information so their opinions are based on WELL THOUGHT out research.  Parents plunk kids down in front of the boob tube or let them waste away playing video or computer games, instead of using the computer & television as educational tools.  Of course, there are many many parents out there who do not stayed informed either.  They go through life not knowing anything & not wanting to learn anything.  Many cannot even hold up their end of a conversation, let alone an intelligent conversation......Makes me mad!!!!


    turn & burn or whatever your name is, it is ignorant adults & uneducated, immature or ignorant kids like yourself that are the reason these horses are trucked for days to slaughter houses outside the U.S.

    Ignorant people who keep breeding their mares "cause she's so cute & sweet", never mind that she is cross eyed, pigeon toed, buck toothed, sickle hocked & God only knows what else, she's cute & sweet.  Then we get the bleeding hearts, like YOU who cry animal cruelty & get the slaughter houses in the U.S. closed down so all of these old, injured, starving, ill bred & dangerous horses get to live out their lives in pain & misery because nobody wants them & nobody can take care of them, so THEY HAVE NO PLACE ELSE TO GO, so they are trucked for days to slaughter houses outside the U.S.  You are kids & you have NO idea what is going on.  All you can do is say, slaughter is mean, but you do not have the intelligence, research or maturity to back it up.

    You want to see why the horses are suffering on their long rides to the slaughter houses?  LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!!!  YOU & others like you are the reason for it.

  11. Horse slaughter is a touchy subject for alot of people.I just read a article in the Wisconsin Horsemen that the Illinois Horsemen's Council wants the slaughter plants in Illinois reopened.They say it is a viable humane alternative to neglect and abandonment for many horse owners.I am sorry but I disagree.I have seen video of horses in these slaughter plants,and they are not humane alternatives.They say that slaughter is a humane option for owners who do not have the means to properly care for their horses. If you cannot afford what a horse entails then forget about even getting one,and I also agree that people need to cut down on the breeding of horses.It is no different then the over population of cats and dogs,but people just keep on breeding.

  12. And the alternative?

    People buy a horse, and don't realize that it will cost them $30.00 per bale, and the horse eats two per week.  That's 120/month easily just for food.

    then, Dad looses his job.

    Do YOU PERSONALLY have the money to take in 40 of these horses?

    I don't.

    And since we have outlawed slaughter in the US, do we just turn them out in the suburbs to run free and get hit by cars?

    What is your cure?

    It is easy to criticize..... it is harder to come up with a workable alternative.

    Do you have a suggestion?  

    I'd truly be interested.... because we slaughter other animals, we just don't happen to eat horses in the US.  So, what happens here in the US to horses no one wants?

    I won't tell you, (But if you write, I'll tell you, and then you might change your mind about slaughter.....) because it is worse than you may know.  It would be far better to allow slaughter here..... I promise.

  13. -i dont think its illegal so you cant do anything but write a letter to  a animal care service or the state !

    i really dont like anything that has to do w/ anything that hurts animals

  14. Horse slaughter is horrible, i know. especially for people who have them as their pets and concider them as family. All you think about is "what if it was my horse?" and you cant imagine your baby going through something like that. i am totally against that. i am part of an organization called "Habitat For Horses". they rescue those horses and they are also playing a part in banning it for good. its like an ASPCA specifically for slaughtering horses. I donate often and i also bought from them a bracelet that reads "'Until They Are Safe!'". i NEVER take it off. the bracelet also includes the specs on a horse that has been slaughtered before to keep in memory. mine has "White Paint Mare, Stripe, 4 white socks-slaughtered 7/14/04" kinda hard to think of this being that i have a paint mare myself and i would NEVER want her to go through something as horrible as that. and u are right, many of these wild horses are young and healthy. you can get a bracelet like mine for only $15. Check out Habitat For Horses.

  15. i wish we could stop this

    i understand how it is with the halling

    the ones who get off alive can only hope the the bolt gun can do the job even though it never does they shove cattle prods up there rectom jus to get the week ones to stand  this is NOT HUMANE!!

    you people who think it is dont even know then, how would you like to have a cattle prod shoved up your ***?!?!

    and be cramped for days at a time in small cattle trailers with out food or water??!?!

    i do also kno that it is banned from the untied states as well but in not in other countrys and no we shouldnt jus care about the ones in our own country

    this is a world wide thing and i wish it could stop my friend but unfortunately it wont. people will keep killing horses  

    and thats how its gotta be...

    sorry if you didnt like that last part.

    i hope i helped with your questions some...

  16. Its what happens to horses that are unwanted, they are put to death, it's a part of life.

  17. UGH.

    Yeah.  Right.  Anyway!

    Lots of discussion on this if you Google it.  Here, all you'll find is frantic young folks who don't know anything about it other than it Kills The Pretty Pretty Ponies!!!  .

    ...Hey, wait a second....

    EDIT:  Turn and Burn said, "how would you like to have a cattle prod shoved up your ***?!?!"

    Turn and Burn,...WHAT THE HECK are you TALKING  about?  What kind of slaughterhouses are near YOU?  Good grief, the misinformation just abounds, doesn't it?  No wonder the kiddies are all up in arms, they think the horses are being sodomized!

  18. i hate horse slaughter, especially when they kill foals. I plan on rescuing the foals and young horses from slaughter

  19. You need to educate yourself be for you try to stir up trouble!! There are NO slaughtering here in the US. So were do you live?? & What are you 13yrs? You need to grow up & take off the rose colored glasses!!! What are going to do with the 90,000 of unwanted horses every year??? What is you way to fix this?? Rescuse?? How do they pay for hay? Hay in southern Ca. is 14.00$ a bale!!!!  What would  you do with them then????????????????????????


    Are you not going to answer our questions? You ask this question but have NO answer for yourself??!!!!! Are you TOOOOOOOOO chicken to answer our questions????


    Very well said Mink !!!!!!!!!!!


    Nicole~~~ Shut up little brat!!! No one wants to here your mouth spue c**p so shut it!!!! & This is not grumpy it is life!!!!!


    Go Ziggy!!!!! Well said!!!!! Stupid uneducated kids!!!!!!!!

  20. people still do it in the US when im older im  going to start a farm where people dont want there horses and are going to send them to salter houses and turn them in to the best horses ever

  21. Slaughter houses are needed for all livestock.  I have owned horses and the slaughter house was always very important.  You can't just let them fall on the ground and die in pain.  Slaughter houses kill humanely.  Nor can you bury or creamate a horse unless your going to pay alot of money.  People that own horses are not always rich and when your horse is injured, you usually end up with a large vet bill, so it used to help to sell your horse to the "Killer" who would pay per pound, alive, in order to sell to the slaughter house that would go to pet food or european meat.  This is farm life, not peta.  Get over it.

  22. they use horse meat for wet dog food and asians. they kill them by  taking a 9 inch nail and drilling it through their heads. ;( its sad, but as we all use cars, most people do not have room for horses. i wish we could just ride around instead of using cars. we wouldnt pollute as much, and lives would be saved.

  23. I had horses for many years and I am for the slaughter houses.  It would be cruel to leave these animals to die inhumanly.  Also, without a slaughter house, people don't have anywhere to take the horses that have been humanly euthanized.

  24. keep repeating this phrase over and over

    horses are livestock ,not pets

    horses are livestock, not pets

    horses are livestock, not pets

    then when that soaks in you need to repeat over and over.

    i will educate myself to the issues before asking a question that has been asked 5000 times before on yahoo answers.

    then when you grow up you can ask in an informative and educated way on this issue.

    also where do you think some of the pretty leather belts,jackets,boots,purses and other usefull goods come from............horses.just because it says it is made of leather doesnt mean it came from a cow.

    edit:welcome to our world Ziggy.glad you could join us here in the real world.

  25. I totally agree with you slaughter is WRONG and CRUEL  no animal deserves to die like that!!! and all of you out there that are FOR slaughter,well how would you like to be slaughtered and eaten? I dont think you would like that but these poor helpless creatures have NO choice!!! Slaughter is horrible and the people out there that say people need to eat, well those jerks can eat grass and cows!!!!

  26. 1. there are no horse slaughter houses open in the united states.

    2. the only country you should worry about is the one you live in.

    3. i'm not against it due to what else are you going to do? burry the animal? you cannot burry any animal on you're own property because that is against the law in the united states. you have to get the state to come out and examine the body(to make sure it wasnt something that can spread to other farms/live in the soil).

    4. there are some horses that : a. abused past the point of being saved, b. lame/old, c. not wanted/unable to be properly cared for.  do you want these horses to live out the rest of their life in pain/ further abused b/c of lack of funds to keep them properly/give them medical attition they need. it cost money to retire a horse/save a horse.

    5. what is wrong for you, my not be wrong for someone else. point in case: lets say i own a horse, i show the horse in say jumping, the horse isnt comformtionally correct for jumping, so i decide to sell it, someone buys it as a trail horse.  the horse was wrong for jumping, but right for trail.  wrong yet again is a matter of opinion not a fact. dont confuse the two.

    6. they do it for money, they do it to thin the population (we hunt deer in our area b/c if we didnt they'd distory the forest because the forest cant support the deer population, they'd over graze/eat the forest, leaving nothing left and then die off slowly or move to another area and kill those woods leaving the habait unbalanced.

    7. it may also be culture, our cutlure is different in different areas of this country, let alone the world.

    8. i think i answered all you're questions, i dont think you'll like any of my answers, but i happen to be realistic and not want horses to be abuse further due to lack of funds.


    to stop the foals from going to slaughter houses: STOP OVER BREEDING YOUR UGLY HORSES.  so many people want to get a foal and breed their horses ... that is what is sicking, not the fact that other people have to come up with ways to fix their mistakes. and i highly doubt unless you're a trainer of a few years that you'd want to train younger horses/foals... you'll only end up damaging the horse more if you dont know what you're doing.  educate yourself, that's how you can stop this.

    i've spent all morning reading about comformation and learning more about what goes into a good horse/how to see what horse is considered comformationally correct, what have you done to get to you're goals of stoping slaughter houses in other countries? i cant change you're ideas on this, but i can change how much i know and sharing it with others, so they cant say they were never told/taught better.

    i totally agree with gallop(sry i didnt know the rest ya name)'s answer! thanks for someone else seeing that it wasnt horrible to having them open here, at least the horse's werent abused on the way to the slauther houses. i could hug

  27. Each human being has a right to his or her own opinion.

    One human should not have the right to impose his or her opinion on the rest of us - that's called lack of freedom.  It's our differences of opinions and ideas that allow us to grow and learn.

    Additionally, what's right for one person in one situation is not right for every person, even in the same situation.

    My opinion is this  - I am against IN HUMANE horse slaughter.  As long as it's done humanely without stress or pain, I don't have a problem with it.

    Now I will add this to my opinion - I would never personally, knowingly allow one of my beloved horses to be slaughtered - because I've built my ownership of them to be very responsible.

    I think the way to stop horse slaughter is to:

    1.  Educate people on what ways slaughter generally happens - and do it truthfully as there are many ways from very awful to very humane.

    2.  Educate people, from a positive viewpoint, on alternatives to slaughter.

    3.  Canvas organizations to raise money or something to help build alternative ways to handle horses that are deemed "useless" - there are many alternatives.

    4.  Educate people on what it takes to own, breed and keep horses responsibly.

    Watch the posts many times do we see "my horse does this...what do I do?"  how many times do we see "I'm going to go buy my first horse"

    I work at a tack shop.  Periodically, I get to interact with people I'd simply like to choke!  I have heard of people who buy a pony for their grandkids.  One guy comes in and asks "what type of chain do I put my new pony out on?"  I wanted to ask him what sort of chain he'd like to be attached to 24/7, but I couldn't do that.  All I could do was try to positively educate him about the dangers of keeping any horse or pony on a chain - how easy it was to injure the animal for life rendering it useless to his grandchildren, worthless for resale and possibly in great pain for the rest of it's life.  Further, this guy was a study in the exact wrong type of person to be buying a pony.  He hadn't done his homework, didn't know what to feed it, how much space it needed to live nor how to interact with it.  He wanted to buy a harness and put it on the pony - even though the pony was only 3 and had never been harnessed or saddled.  He thought you just put the harness on, hooked up the pony and away you'd go.

    Let's educate these people on the way to PROPERLY get into and interact with horses on a basic level.

    Let's educate people on the facts of breeding and owner ship.  So many people go get a mare bred because they heard a freind sold a foal for a thousand dollars - well, h**l, that's a way to get rich!  Let's go breed about 10 of 'em then and we'll be really well off!

    That's not reality and they have to be taught why it isn't.  It also isn't realistic for any inexperienced person to think they can breed a foal and it will just someday turn out as perfect as their current horse - they WON"T have another exactly like they have now.  There are WAY too many things that go into making a solid adult horse for any use.

    Only those people who are educated to properly interact with a protective mare, a young foal and train it properly to work well should be breeding or training babies.

    By the time you pay breeding bills, feed that mare for a year and get the foal on the ground, then raise it for 2-3 years and then pay someone to start and train it (assuming you're lucky enough to contact a good trainer the first time) you've got more into that horse than you would have if you had bought one already grown and trained well.

    Breeding horses is not a money - making game.  Martha Josey once said something very true.  In order to make a million in horses, you must start with 2 million.

    The horses who end up in slaughter houses are those that have been unlucky enough to have fallen into the hands of ignorant people - something's happened to make them useless due to injury, bad behaviours or even just old age.  The people who breed low- quality horses which don't create a value - or who do not give them a good start in life (ie, selling a foal to just anyone) are the ones perpetrating the circumstances where disposing of the horse is the only alternative.

    But am I the one who has the right to tell someone who's been duped into purchasing an unsound or unsafe horse who doesn't have the money to care for it or fix whatever is wrong with it or even pay the hundreds it cost to properly euthanize it they are wrong for sending it to the killers?  No.  I am not.  They are free to make their own choices - and forcing our opinions on others is not the way to bring about change - positive education and understanding of other's situations to help us properly educate is the only way to make it happen right and for good.
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