
Horse slaughter question?

by  |  earlier

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hey, im new to yahoo answers but i saw a question about horse slaughter in the horse section and it said it was just like the slaughter of other animals but people overlook the other other animals and only go on about the horses.

i wanted to see the question again adn answer it but it seems to have dissapeared..... is there any way to find it (without using in the search questions bar) or the user?

the user is horse.luver8

any help would be great thanks.




  1. The question may have been resolved & no longer open for answers.

  2. go to horses section in the discover part and try and find it it was probably resolved

  3. It may have been to harsh so yahoo deleted it

  4. there is a slaughter house in indiana that slaughters the horses to eat them in there cafe'. And that's the only thing they do.

  5. When  I  want  look  back I  seach for  question  or  related  question to pull it  up. Then you can  contact  person  if  they allow  E  mail

    I  record  lot  animal  shows.  Recently saw  a  detailed  sickning  report of  how  they  get  slaughtered.  Also  race  horses  get  sold  off and  taken  out  country for  slaughter.

    Also  may  refrase  your  question looking  for this  contact  and  see if  that  works.

  6. i don't know how to help on that but if ppl did not slaughter cattle exc. then the cattle would over run the world and where would we be... i don't like the thought of animals suffering but they would suffer even more if they had to starve to live...

    ppl really do ignore the slaughter of cattle exc. and concentrate on horses because horses are our friends i can't imagine eating a horse its just wrong... tho i know some ppl think different ive grown up around horses and other animals... its just the way you look at the situation

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