
Horse <span title="Health!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!!?!?">Health!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!!?...</span>

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There are 500 MILES of capillaries and veins in a single hoof

What is this?? I mean CAPILLARIES? What does this mean? Can you explain it to me?




  1. My trainer&#039;s dad has been a farrier for 50 years and has one of the last real plasticine horse legs ( real muscle veins ligaments impregnated with plasctic, like the Bodies exhibit)! He is the source of this information, he is one of the best farriers I know and does not joke about his work. After seeing the leg I believe it. Think about how sensitive the hoof is and when it gets a tiny bruise it shows up in the hoof trimmings weeks later.  

  2. Capillaries are very small blood vessels that branch of from arteries and veins.

  3. Capillaries are another type of blood vessel, along with veins and arteries.

  4. The blood vessels are like a closed circuit leading to and from the heart. Arteries carry blood away from the heart to the tissues....they branch into tiny arteries called arterioles.  The arterioles branch to the tiniest, thinnest blood vessels called capillaries, which is where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged with tissue cells. The capillaries are like little networks with an arteriole at one end, and a venule at the other.  Once the oxygen is delivered to the tissue, and carbon dioxide is picked up by the blood, it heads back to the heart through a venule, then vein, and then through the vena cava to the heart, where it picks up more oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide when it is circulated through the lungs before being pumped out of the heart to do the same circuit again.

    It means that there is a lot of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange going on inside of a hoof.

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