
Horse stall toy ideas?

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i have a mare that gets put in at night all year around. she gets put in at about 9:30 at night and gets put out at 8:00am or so. she gets 3-4 flakes of hay in her stall and grain before i leave the barn for the night. i have noticed that she has been chewing the boards and dragging her teeth on the wall. she also has a salt block in her stall as well. i am looking for any ideas for horse stall toys that i am make myself and put in her stall. she loves treats. she has a 12x12 stall and she is a 16 hand horse so she still does have lots of room. thanks.




  1. Go to your tack store or Buckerfields, they should have lots of toys, otherwise ask someone there if they sell them somewhere else. Some good toys they sell are balls that you hand from a ceiling, or let them roll them on the ground


  3. try the jolly ball!!

  4. hang a jolly ball from the roof  or even just out it on the ground . they keep the horse very entertained  

  5. If you have a tractor supply near get some no chew or order it online. You can also get hanging apple snacks. This will help unless she is a cribber, then you need a cribbing collar for her.

  6. Jolly Balls are great, and hanging balls...there toys... ;)

  7. Try these:

    A milk jug tied to a string from the ceiling usually keeps them occupied to.

  8. My 2 year old gelding loves the plastic milk jug with grain in it.  It's cheap and easy to make.  Just take the milk jug put a couple handfuls of grain in it, leave the lid off, and hang it from the top of the stall boards where she can reach it, but not stomp on it.  It makes noise and if she ever figures it out, she'll get a treat when she tips it the right way.  The mare I used to have would mangle one of these in just a few minutes.  You can also use an empty water bottle instead of a milk jug.

  9. you could try a flavored l**k instead of (or as well as) her salt block, some tennis balls drilled through and strung onto a rope and hung up,

    some fruit and vegetables such as turnips and apples strung onto a rope and hung up, or a ball with holes in it filled with treats which she can roll around the floor (although you'd have to be refilling it so it wouldn't be very convenient for night time)

    if not, you could consider getting her a companion such as a goat, miniature horse or a chicken although this could be risky if they take a dislike to eachother

    and i would also suggest buying her a collar to stop her from windsucking, and some sour tasting liquid to put on the boards to prevent her chewing them (:

  10. a pet chicken
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