
Horse steroids?

by  |  earlier

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what is stopping me or anyone else from going to the vet and saying I need steroids for my horse and using them myself?




  1. What makes you think the Vet will just give you steroids just because you say you need them for your horse?

  2. Nothing I suppose, so long as you have a working relationship with the veterinarian and he/she knows that your horse has a condition that warrants steroid use.  Even in animals, steroids are prescription drugs, and the docs (at least the docs I work for) do not just "hand them out".

  3. well your horse would actually need the steroids for the vet to give them to you.  and then you'd be a jerk for taking your horses meds.

  4. because it could be dangerous and very pricey. For some reason everything that has to do with horses is very expensive.....Like say a bottle aspirn....for a horse it costs about $10 for a human it cost about $2

  5. Probably because someone else has already done it and is selling them?
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