
Horse trick training?

by  |  earlier

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i have taught my horse to bow but the problem is he won't do it off of a cue such as a whip. i have tried to teach him to do it with a whip cue by tapping behind the leg he is to bow down on but all he does is just pick up that leg. i have been working on it for a few weeks (just the cue training part he's known how to bow for a while) and i've had no luck with that.

any one have any ideas on other ways i could teach him the cue to bow?


here is a pic of him just so you what he can do




  1. i have seen different ways to teach a horse to bow i have seen verbal commands in spanish instead of english and i have seen people lure their horses down with peppermints and i saw a lady tie a rope around the front leg and pull and say bow and the horse did it and after awhile all she had to say was bow and he would go could try these but otherwise just keep working at it and maybe ask for help with him while you are doin it!!

  2. I dont know but he sure is a doll! Oh well definatly reward him when he does it!!!!!!

  3. well 1st off, he is a beautiful horse!

    one thing you could try is having someone else help you and you can have him bow the way you have been and add the cues...i hope that makes sense

  4. I would see how he responds to a verbal cue, maybe even check out the word "bow" or "kneel" in a language other than English, might further astound an audience.  Many police dogs --well Gernam Shepherds in patricular--are trained to respond to command words in German.  I assume he knows verbal cues for the bacis: "walk, trot, trotUP (my personal command for my mare to extend her trot, and she never gets "trot" and "trotUP" confused), canter, and whoa" so he is probably able to figure out a new verbal command

  5. nice horse by the way, have you tried luring him down instead of taping him, he might do it for a lure, get some carrots or any treat he'll work well with and lure him to the ground, you could try clicker training him aswell

    good luck

  6. he's soooo adorable, try putting a treat between his legs, and let him follow it, he should go down to a bow, give him a comand in a different language

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