
Horse videos???

by  |  earlier

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i'm making a video for youtube about showjumping and dressage, but i don't know how to download the clips from the computer? i don't like pro-stallion, but i like the clips off of horse-gate. i click the name of the horse, and i watch the video on windows media player, but i dont know how to save it. if you know how could you please tell me? or, if you don't know how to explain it, just email the clips to me? i'll give you my hotmail. please??!!




  1. May be you should go to the computer site

    They may be able to help you more then this site ?

    I know it's about horses

    But I have no clue how to do to it

    Thats why I think  other  site's  that might help you,,

      in  computer's ? good luck

    once you learn how to do it then you can share it with us ?


    I would like to learn how to do it also !!

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