
Horse was dragged down the road till death?

by  |  earlier

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well jus a lil bit ago at a indoor arena i rope at, i wasnt there that day but eveybody was leavin and this guy has had the same old rope horse for years and jus barley got a new rope horse

and aparrently the guy forgot the new horse he was tied up on the other side so the guy jus basically forgot about him.

and started to drive off and the horse i assume tried to keep up but finaly couldnt keep up anymore vets determined his neck broke when he fell

and down the road a blood stain ran for 2 miles

now he wasnt charged with animal abuse or nothin

what do you think

should he of gotten charged for animal abuse cause honestly i just duno.




  1. he probably feels bad enough for what happened. thats horrible. I'm guessing he didn't do it on purpose

  2. There is a punishment for accidentaly killing a person, so there should be a punishment for accidentaly killing a horse. In other words, yes, he should be charged.

  3. Oh for god's sake, if a horse is tied to your trailer/truck/whatever, you notice. Especially after two miles. He should be charged.

  4. Yes, he should get charged, but it sounds like the same kind of thing as that mare, Naysa, where the attorney keeps putting it off maybe. To see about Naysa you can go to youtube and search "The Louisiana Mare" and it's the first video. :'( That was terrible.

    How can you "forget" that your horse is tied to a trailer? Doesn't the trailer feel lighter with one less horse? Wouldn't you hear him, even if the windows are shut? I'm not saying that you did this, I'm just thinking aloud (sorry for putting YOU and YOUR, I know it wasn't you).

  5. knowing he did this to his own hard enough.... this was an accident....i feel for  the guy...really i do...he had the horse for yrs......thats sad....

  6. I'd think this is more neglect than's pretty stupid.  I can't imagine he went out and spent money to buy a new horse and then did this deliberately, but I also can't imagine doing something this stupid, unless he was under the influence or something.  I'd want it investigated to see why and how it happened, and go from there.

  7. That's a horrible awful thing. I think he should be charged. Lots of people feel bad about comitting crimes - that doesn't mean they shouldn't be punished. How do you forget about a horse? Too bad they probably won't take the other one away. Who knows, he might forget about that one and not feed it.

  8. i dont think he should have gotten charged because it was an accident. i think he would feel so horrible and guilty that it would be punishment enough. if it had happened to you would you feel u needed to be charged for such an accident?

  9. thats terrible, what a horrid way to die, honestly, 2 miles?!

  10. I don't see how this guy isn't being charged with negligence.  Are you in small town, perhaps?  I'm sure the guy didn't mean to do it, but heck, if it were a person that he accidentally killed instead of a horse, you'd better believe he'd still be in trouble.  How terribly sad for everyone.

  11. he 'forgot' about a horse tied to his trailer for 2 miles???? C'mon.

    Yes. I believe he most certainly SHOULD have been charged with animal abuse.

    Even if this guy is that d**n ignorant and stupid that he didn't realize he was dragging a horse for two miles *rolling eyes*.... He was negligent and deserves the charge in my opinion.


    I have to add that no, I don't think this guy WILL get charged... But I believe he should.

  12. Horrible, horrible accident.

  13. He can't get charged with animal abuse because what happened was an accident.

    But that was a horrible, horrible thing to happen.  Poor horse :(

  14. I don't believe you . Anyone remember the movie - National Lampoon's Vacation? -- and the family dog that was tied to the bumper?   Load of horse-hockey.......

  15. My 8 yr old dog darted out in front of my truck back in 2002 and I killed her.. do you think I should be charged with animal abuse?

    Accidents happen, I'm sure the guilt that guy feels is way more punishment than any jail time... I know for me it was with my dog.

    Cut the guy some slack.. no one means to have that happen, but in the heat of the moment and your trying to get loaded up, things happen.  

    My heart goes out to the guy.

  16. no....

    you KNOW it HAS to be eat'n the guy up...

    bless BOTH their hearts.......

  17. It was an honest accident. I don't think he should be charged. He wont be charged for animal cruelty. I highly doubt it. Any person knows that he didn't mean to. Like someone said above sure its killing him inside and he feels like a dumb@ss.

    But don't get me wrong I feel for the horse, that is a sad death.

  18. What an awful thing to happen.

    I don't understand how it happens though.

    How can you forget you arrived at a destination with a horse and leave without one?

    That's like leaving your children in the car with the windows up and forgetting them.

    How does a person do that???

    There is no excuse for this type of behavior.

    It is blatant irresponsibility. I think he should be charged.

  19. Sounds to me like it was just plain stupidity - I mean how do you tie a horse up, and then forget about? Why didn't he hear the horse trying to catch up?? I mean is this guy deaf - seriously! At the very!! least he should get charged with some kind of negligence charge!! I hate it when a stupid person tries to take care of animals and ends up killing them instead.

  20. yea what kind of animal lover would forget their horse?

    not even my 7 year old sister forgets about her 2 cats, i love horses though

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