
Horse with hernia?

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hey i have a 3 year old welsh who has a hernia:(

shes coping with it but what to back her there a way i could get ride of it... i thought i get your responses and then ring the vet with some knowledge of what to do about it.

i'm also hoping to show her inhand, will she get marked down for it??

i now its hereditry so wont be able to bred, poor little thing.

what would your advise be because i have never owned a horse with a hernia.




  1. Hernia is a blemish and WILL get counted down in a halter class.

    Best bet is to take her to your vet and have him operate on her and close up that area of her stomach.  I sold a colt a couple of years ago that had one and pointed it out to the buyer.  When she had the colt gelded last year, she simply had the vet fix the hernia as well at the same time.  He's been GREAT now.

  2. they have to do surgery, it' snot something you can live with and it's not heriditary, it's a tear in a muscle.

  3. Where is the hernia?  Each type and location involves different prognoses.

  4. If it's small enough they are sedated and basically a bunch of rubber bands like you band a male lamb with are put around the extra skin.  It then dies and falls off, horse is a little uncomfortable but nothing bad.

    If it's a big one, they knock them out, roll em over, and stitch it up.  2 weeks recoup time.  (I've had to do both procedures.)

    Not necessarily hereditary, if she's really nice don't let that stop you from breeding her, and once it's fixed and healed you can't even tell it was there so the showing won't matter.

    Get her fixed this fall when the flies are gone, next spring you won't even be able to find the scar if you're looking for it.. :)

  5. We experienced this with a weanling gelding we purchased.  The vet advised us to have surgery on it if we ever planned to ride our gelding.  When we had him gelded, they also stitched and closed the hernia, I believe by inserting a piece of mesh material into the stomach skin to patch over the hole there.  He has been fine, since, and is now 4 years old and been ridden for a year.

    I believe the surgery cost about $500  (four times what we paid for the weanling, but that's okay).  He's a nice horse, we're glad we had it fixed.

  6. acually just recently,my bros girlfriend's dog had hernia,im not sure its the same with horses,but this it was we did

    we thought scince she was a puppy that it was her imbilical cord,but inside there was somthing "not right" and it was like a little spot where her intestines were coming out,she had to get surgery

    but scince we dont know if its the same with horses,i would google it,just to be sure

    good luck,and let me know if it helped,feel free to msg me and ask questions
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