
Horse with swollen chin and face.

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering if anyone has had this experience before. Our 30 year old has a swollen chin and left side of face this morning. We examined him for any bites, and there seems to be none. It almost feels like there is fluid in there. It doesn't seem to bother him to be pressing and playing with it. We have a call into the vet, so I'm not asking for that obvious bit of advice. Thanks in advance!




  1. Might be an infection caused by a bad tooth. Is he eating? The only other thing I can think of is a snake bite, maybe, that you did not find, but I figured with a snake bite it would be painful. It sounds like something to do with his mouth. Check for any leasions inside his mouth on that side that could have gotten infected. I hope this helped. Good luck.

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