
Horseback Riders- Body type?

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I've done horseback riding for the past 10 years, and I got into a conversation with one of my barn mates about what the "typical" horseback rider's body? (like- female dances have really defined calf muscles or something)

Just wondering- but what do you think is "normal?" I've got really thin legs with almost no fat mass in my calves/upper thighs.




  1. It all depends if you are doing it right!  In the same way that allowing a horse to work lazily will not encourage the right outline, a rider that does not use herself/himself correctly will not have the correct body shape.

    Posture is the most important factor - a rider, like a dancer, should alwats have good posture whether they are riding or walking down the street.

    Also riders have bigger thighs than non-riders, but this should be muscle not fat.  Female riders also tend to have a bit of an a*s.  When you spen a lot of time sitting down you backside will start to spread a bit - it's a fact of life.

    If you are still not sure, have a look at the top riders and see if you can spot any similarities in their bodies.

  2. In addition to ktcalll's answer I think broad shoulders.  My friend, who was always tall and lean, got into serious riding and it was a pain to find a jacket that fit her shoulders and wasn't huge on the rest of her.

    Generally though those are things I consider in "good" riders who are a little more into it and do some competing.  When I think "typical" I come up more with hobbyists who have no defined shape.  The many, many back yard, weekend riders who are often quite out of shape.  It just depends on your riding company I guess.

  3. When I think of a rider, I think of someone that has the following traits:

    Strong shaped arms, especially biceps.

    Abs...from using stomach to support horse

    Muscular calves( and not just the one muscle in the back, the whole thing)

    Muscular thighs

    and a strong back

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