
Horseback riding...... a sport?

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Okay so I ride horses and love it. I TOTALLY think its a sport and hate it whn people dont think so. But i wanna know, do u think its a sport?




  1. Of course it's a sport!

  2. I consider it more of a sport than golf ,or ping-pong (No offense to any out there!). =\

    It's probably the hardest sport out there, in my opinion.


    I could go on for HOURS about this seriously TICKS ME OFF when people think this. I could fight for soooo long about it but my #1 [what I call] YELL BACK (hehe because when people ask this I normaly yel lol)

    IT IS IN THE OLYMPICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If it is in the Olympics it *IS* a sport...just like basketball, volleyball, swimming, track, gymnastics, EVERYTHING!

    Though it is slightly more of a "brain" sport in my opinion. The rider has to judge where they are going to put the horse. We have to use nearly every muscle in our bodies to turn WITH THE HORSE. It is also one of the most difficult sports because our TEAM MATE has a complete mind of his/her own and we can not communicate with them like a normal humen.

    So, yes it is a sport, and yes I get MAJORALLY TICKED OFF WHEN PEOPLE THINK IT ISN'T!!! Ugh....especially when peopl have never EVEN RIDDEN A HORSE!!!!

    *goes and screams haed off* lol glad somone else agress with me xD

  4. YES!!!! its in the olympics. i hate it when people say that. i think that they think its like trail riding, but they have no idea!

  5. Ask them if they ever heard of saddlebronc riding. NOW that is a sport that involves horses.

  6. Anyone who thinks it is not a sport can try and keep up with me on a trail ride.  I would be happy to illustrate just how much sport is involved by taking them on the roughest trails I know of at speeds that will leave them shaking.

    Free horse ride anyone?

    And AA

    Shame on you not wanting more people in our sport because it is more people to compete against.  If you are riding for anyone but your self then you are not riding for the right reason, and if in your mind you are competing with anyone but yourself, you are competing with the wrong people.  The more people who enjoy our sport the stronger the support for our sport.  

    Here in Missouri we only recently have gotten Missouri conservation land open to horseback riding.  Prior to this when trail riding and you ran across State Conservation land you ran across signs saying no horseback riding.  Then you had to turn back (problematic when the trail runs from Salem Missouri to Arkansas and is mostly on federal land but their is a little conservation land in between) or go ahead and break the law and trespass.

    And Morgan

    Trail riding is a sport too.  One not every horse person can handle.

  7. it is def. a sport. you use muscles and energy to move your body and learn how to do it dont u?? so of course its a sport!!!

    haha i hope i helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. blah blah blah im so tired of people complaining about how some people dont think its a sport, who cares what they think, big deal, its not like i want more people believeing its a sport anyway that would just mean more riders which means more competition.its a sport of course but its a mental game that requires you to be percise and people just dont understand that.

  9. yes its a sport.

  10. horseback riding is one of the most dangerous things you can do.. show me another sport that you have to control a 1000+ pound beast with a mind of its own. plus people who like you just sit their and look pretty obviously havent ridden a real horse in their lives.. we have to work muscles throughout our entire bodies. also how many people do you know that are afraid to play catch with their friends?? because i know ALOT who are afraid to ride a horse... its one of the best sports out there and it takes alot of work to be any good.

  11. ofcourse it is a sport, it is kind of an olympic event in the Olympia game!? it can't possibily not be a sport if it is in an old ancient greek game, horseback riding is also one of my favorite sports!!! it developes into dressege, jumping, racing, cross country riding......etc..

  12. Ofcourse it is! Its an olympic SPORT.... which pretty much spells out that horseback riding is definitely a sport.

  13. I'm so glad to see other people out there like me! I get so mad when my friends are like, what sports do you do? And I'm like horseback riding, and they're like thats not a sport.

    Its like, you get on a horse and canter and jump and stay on while they're bucking and rearing and you tell me its not a sport then. Its tons of exercise and really hard work for all your muscles.

  14. Equestrian Sports is in the Olympics. So yes, it is a sport.


  15. lol of course it is a sport!!  I hate it when people say it's not a sport, clearly they haven't tried to break a young horse lol.  A little while back, when I went to the doctors for that yearly physical thing, I had some substitute doctor and she was complaining that I didn't get enough exercise.  I told her I ride like 2 a week, work at my stable on the weekends, plus work on my farm at home (a h**l of a lot of exercise lol) but as she says, "Horseback riding isn't physical enough, all you do is sit on the horse and do nothing."  I was like WTF!!  and wanted to punch her in the face!!  And this was coming from a lady that was a good 100lbs over weight, I don't think she should be criticizing my exercise habits lol.  I still hate that replacement doctor, just happy I don't have to see her no more .... YAY!!!  =P

  16. Yes!!! Very much a sport!!

  17. YES DEFINELTY! the only people who think that dont ride! its in the olympics! those people dont know what they are talking about dont listen to them.

  18. i have the exact sam feelings!

    i think its a sport, and i get so angry when my friends tell me its not.

    hahah if its not a sport then why is it in the olympics?


    its way way way harder than it looks.


  20. Yes it's a sport!  It uses all kinds of muscles and anyone who's ridden for long periods of time knows how tuckered out you can get!

  21. Yes it is a sport... a very difficult one at times...

    And to A.A. Not wanting to let people know that it is a sport because you dont want more competition means that you aren't wanting to fight for that first place ribbon... you want it handed to you... which shows how competitive you are.

  22. (From

    SPORT: 1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.

    (ALSO from

      - Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.

    Horseback riding fits into that category, doesn't it?

    Yes, I think it's a sport. (:

  23. Yes absolutely Horse Back Riding is a sport! The definition of a sport is an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature. i have been riding and showing for my entire life and last time i check riding a horse does take skill and physical prowess. showing a horse is a competitive nature about 10 to 20 people going for the first place ribbon. so Yeah! it is a sport!

    i hate when people tell me that horse back riding is not a sport too. it really makes me mad.

  24. i HATE it when people say riding isn't a sport. i got into a huge fight with my phys ed teacher about this last year, omg i got so angry.

    it's totally a sport. infact i think it's the most difficult and dangerous sport out there. you need to use every single bit of coordination and concentration you have or else you could be killed by a 2,000 pound animal with metal bars on it's feet. so yes. i think its a sport.

  25. It is a sport, and named the most dangerous sport in the world too! I consider it the best sport there ever was, way ahead of football, or golf, or volleyball, etc (no offense intended). Besides, if it weren't a sport, it wouldn't be in the Olympics. Ugh, when I hear that people say it isn't a sport, I just want to yell at them, and friggin smack 'em across the face! People are such ideots! Take a look at these vids on youtube, I think they prove that horseback riding IS a real sport...

  26. Of course it is a sport.  It is a very highly refined sport that takes a lot of skill, feel, timing, balance and communication with a 1200 pound animal.  I know what you mean about people saying "that's not a sport".  These people don't get it.  I would love to see some of these people post for 20 minutes on a 17.2 hand warmblood.  They wouldn't be able to stand up if they could still breathe.  It takes tremenous muslce strength and control to ride.  Think about it.  How much talent does it take to run around, fight over a ball, and everybody jump in a pile???  more like team brute force.   Or walk around a golf course hitting little balls with sticks wearing ridiculous looking clothes???  Sorry.  What we do is much more demanding, both physically and mentally.  Ignore the nay-sayers, they don't have a clue.  Ride on!!

  27. I think so.

  28. Yes horseback riding is a sport, I have been riding horses all my life:)

  29. It's deffinatly a sport. people who say it isnt are dumb. We have to have lots of strength and training to sit on a 1000 lbs animal and tell them what to do

  30. yes it is a sport....why do they think that

    pro rodeo's,competitions, world finals, are called that.

    For the people who don't think it is a sport obviously did not play a real sport.

  31. Yes, its a sport!! If its not, then what are the pro rodeo circuits?? Games? I don't think so. They have competitions, world finals, certain competitors that stand out ... everything other sports have.

    So yes, it is a sport.

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