
Horsemanpal have you been a racehorse trainer for 25 years or is it 30 years make your mind up you bull ******

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Horsemanpal have you been a racehorse trainer for 25 years or is it 30 years make your mind up you bull ******




  1. Relax....he has done a lot of things, and when you get older you can mix up a few years, I know, I do it often. Don't think you should really be so personal though !!

  2. Think I know what you mean, he has also done karati for 30 years,so beware, oh yes and he lives in China .

  3. actually bernard,you pillock,i counted up and all in all i have been training racehorses for 33 years.but whats a couple of years betwwen friends,i currently live in china and am having a great time .why you should think that i am a bullshiter as you say is beyond me,i have had a very interesting and have done many sports.just because you deem it unlikely does not make it so.i suggest you get out more-what you have with me my friend is the rare thing-- the real deal,been there done it and got the shirt.

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