
Horses, i need advice on how to fix something?

by Guest32469  |  earlier

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i am guilty of not listing my sources/reason i give my answers like i have asked others to do. . . and for this i am truely sorry, so i will fix that tonight. but i have a question before i fix it.

is this good enough to use as a source in the horse section? (i usually just use: may own 2 cents on the matter.)

my source:




  1. I must have missed something in the couple of days I've been gone....

    Sounds like someone got a bee in their bonnet...or a bug up their butt.

    Most of us don't even bother to put sources down.  I do when I answer an electrical question.  I'm licensed and I want the people to know that I KNOW what I'm talking's not just my opinion.  If someone wants to know where I'm getting the info...then I tell them.  If they don't ask...they are free to disregard my 'advice.'

    I like your 'signature.'  

    I'm still trying to think of one....But at the ancient age of 42....I can barely remember my password to this account!

  2. Looks pretty good for a washed up old gal like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, leave it "mah"'s real.

  3. OMG your 22 and all washed out?  I thought you were alot older and really washed out.

    I guess I've got you, I'm a drowned duck then!

    Although I think your source as you just described is a little overkill and, does it give enough room to list all those accomplishments ?

  4. someone really got you huh?

    you just have to ignore the trolls, obviously your better then them so just forget them, they are a waste of energy..

    but usually, i just don't do a source.. if its something about OTTB training i'll ususally say "been training/riding TB's for as long as i've been riding" or something like that.. but otherwise.. WHO CARES! if your answer makes sense (something alot of people still haven't mastered) and is helpful, isn't that good enough!?!

    BE HAPPY! [=

    (and check out the link in my info, i'll bet you'll enjoy it at a time like this!)

  5. I  personally like yoah own two cents on the matta', and if you are washed up at 22,  Then I'm washed up, and picked clean by the gulls! Don't change a thing, You have more to offer than a lot of others, and anyone with a half a brain knows it by your answers.

  6. Hmmm...well...I think "17 years experience owning and riding horses" would cover that a little easier...It would also still allow "mah own 2 cents" to stand out.  Yeah, the rest of us cover most of that with X years experience...


    ::tongue in cheek::

  7. Good enough if you correct the mah to my.  Otherwise, it rather downgrades your true experiences.

  8. What ?

    I must've missed something ( again) mind you I have been absent quite a bit this last week - I'll get my Mum to write me a note later.

    Whatever it is I don't think that you should go to such lengths  - if someone's accused you of being inexperienced or whatever they aren't going to take any notice anyway. Just be yourself and ignore them - they really aren't worth getting wound up about.

  9. Not sure what is going on, but I assume you are still proving a point to the girl. Don't feel bad. I'm old and washed up too. :) I am 29. That's one step away from dead.

  10. good to me

  11. I personally liked 'mah own two cents on the matter' the first time I heard it I was like "I WANT" but decided that would be stealing.

    I never put a source cause I have way less experience than most people on here. I just read everything I can on horses and have the experience of working with my two. Things I dont know for sure I dont say.

    To list my experience would probably give people reason to laugh (esp. compared to yours).

  12. Works for me .

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