
Horses Put Their Lives On The Line?

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All respect to the Horse Racing Industry when I say what I'm trying to say. I just heard the trainer for Eight Belles say that these beautiful animals put their lives on the line when they race. I find that statement to be false. These horses don't get up in the morning to rush out to the track and run their butts off for themselves. They are for the most part given special food, care, medical treatment and basically the best of everything. This is done so that (People) can take them to the track and (Make) them place their lives on the line in order to make (Money) for their respective (Owners)! Horses don't do this on their own. I accept that this is a common practice for those who say that they are lovers of these animals but I find his statement to be untrue. Talk to me.

Peaceful and Respectful answers are really appreciated.

Thank you.




  1. I understand where you're coming from.

    And yes its true that the owners take special care of them to get them in top shape to race.

    Certain horses are bred to race (thoroughbreds/trotters/arabians) and some love to do it.

    Others don't enjoy it, and others don't care either way. Theyre like people. I've heard about horses that are so excited before a race that they can't stay still, and that if they're cooped up and can't race they're upset. And then I've heard about horses that just weren't cut out for racing.

    Its sad that in the end they're just there for people to make money off of them. But then again, for those horses who love to race, its a win-win situation. They found what people always want to find, a job that they enjoy.

  2. Race horses are bred for speed...they LOVE to run. It's in their blood, their genes, their very being. Just like labrodor retrievers love to swim and hunt, and clydesdale horses love to work. These animals are great at what they do, because they love to do it. However, I don't think a horse thinks that there is a possibility it could be their last race, or perhaps even their last breath. I highly doubt that they'd think to themselves before a race..."I might break a leg today", so THEY don't put their lives on the line. How can they if they don't fully understand the risks? But, you've also got to wonder, when a horse lives to run, do you think they might run anyways, and take the chance even if they could be made to understand the risks? I think some of them probably would.

  3. I think you have a good point. The statement from the trainer makes it seem like these horses are getting out there and voluntarily risking their lives because they love what they do. That is pretty obviously false (the part about voluntarily risking their lives) and just standard spin. What the trainer doesn't mention is that most horses bred to race are sent to slaughter before they ever get the chance to race because they weren't quite fast enough.

  4. I agree with you... The horses dont put their lives on the line themselves. They are made to put their lives on the line. I do barrell race but NOT! for money. We do it for fun and our horses are loved on brushed and treated like kings and queens afterward, whether we win or loose. But yes the mans statement was wrong. The horses are made to put their lives on the line...

  5. IT WAS A HORSE!!!

  6. While being true that horses are prepped and lead to the paddock then to the starting gate to run. I think the trainer was only looking for some respect for these animals. Every animal living free in the wild puts its life on the line everyday. Its an eat or be eaten existence we have here on earth. Risking your life for two minutes every 30 days must be like living in paradise considering how most animals have it. Animals like deer, zebras, and yes other wild horses. (There are some) They run from all kinds of predators, and they do it more than every 30 days and without proper training and good medical care and plentiful food and water. So yes trainers do force them out of the barn to run around a track. It's true they do that and it's not the horses doing... and usually when they have a lead and get caught by another horse down the stretch... They just cross the finish line, they cool down, they get some water, a bucket of oats and then they sleep in the the barn that night...

    I some how don't feel the horses are as offended by the trainers comments as much as you seem to disagree with them.

    I would rather have my life put on the line by a trainer on horse track every month.

    Then by a pack of predators in the wild every time they picked up my scent.

  7. A horse that doesn't love to run could not possibly compete well against Kentucky Derby calibur horses.  You can't force a 1200 pound animal to run it's heart out.

  8. Yeah, all animals used for sports are forced to do this, horses like to run...yes...but freely and not in circles with their eyes covered. Animals are not meant to be used for sports and the people who use them should not call themselves animal lovers. At the moment you are putting your animal on some kind of risk...that means you dont care about the concequences. All these people want is money and the guy with white hair who was on the news (i guess the trainner, owner) "pretending" to be sad....good actor.

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