
Horses? Stuff? And your horse?

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Hi! I may be getting a horse soon and I was wondering if somebody could answer my questions and look at the stuff I think would be good. I will just be doing some hacking and a little bit of local jumping.


How much would this bag of treats last your horse?

What do you think of this saddle and the price?

Do you like this bridle and it's price?

What is your horses fave likit and what size is it?

What keeps your horse amused and what is it's fave treats?

Any more tips and stuff please feel free t leave them!

Thanks for your time! xx




  1. treats~ depends.. maybe 2 weeks

    saddle~ im not one for synthetic english saddles. but the price is amazing

    bridle~ looks nice and GREAT price

    my horses fav what/ a likit?

    i ride w/ a saddle pad

    a garden shed would be perfect for a tackroom/hay storage.

  2. Hey, the likit will last seconds if it is anything like my horse Ben, he is a piglet!!  Only give as an occasional treat, no good for their teeth!!  One thing I will say about the saddle is that I have been there and bought a cheap synthetic, nearly knackered my horses back for life, they are not very giving, and they dont allow much room for movement, they never fit properly (which is a very important factor to think about when buying a horse as you can do a lot of damage using a saddle that doesnt fit properly)  they are awful to ride on, make you feel perched ( pushed forwards ) again, not good if they spook or rear like my big fella likes to do, canter is also hard to flow with on one of these, ive come off many times on my synthetic saddle!!!  I have just splashed out on a custom made saddle, 1600 pounds but worth every penny, you can get them much cheaper than that by the way!!  He moves beautifully in it and I can even sit to his bronking fits when using it, he is much more relaxed with it on also, as it doesnt pinch, you can pick up a 2nd hand leather saddle for about 250.00 and pay someone to fit it for about 35.00, the bridle looks nice, make sure you oil it, they are VERY stiff brand new, good luck and I hope you and your horse have many long happy years together, p.s I ride using a saddle cloth and as a boredom breaker when in the stable, double net his hay, will take him much longer to pull the hay through the holes and keep him munching quietly for hours xx

  3. Depends how many treats you feed a day! But they wont last for long!

    if you buy a horse, then it might come with tack, and it would be best if you could find one that comes with a saddle hes used to!

    Why don't you go to a local equine shop, they will help you out, and they are usually cheaper than things from the internet!

    I suppose you could use a shed as a tackroom/hay store, but it would have to be damp proof and stuff or it wouldn't be good!

    Good luck!

  4. It fabulous that your are learning all about owning before you buy a horse!

    The treats would last me about 4 days

    The saddle has a good price but it would not be acceptable in the show ring, if you plan on showing you will have to get another saddle like this:

    The bridle price is also FABULOUS!! but it would not be accepted in the show ring, here is one that would be accepted:

    <3 HorseJumper

    P.S. sorry the prices are in dollars

  5. I ride with a numnah. The treats would probably last about 7 days. Saddle and bridle are really good priced. One suggestion on the saddle though is that it'll need cleaning practicaly every time you use it because it's silver.

    You don't necesarily need a namnah or saddle pad. It is used if the saddle is to big or if it rubs. I know that my friend doesn't use one and she doesn't have any problems. I use a numnah because I don't want to risk it.

    Charlotte x

  6. Treats last me ages - mainly because I don't tend to use them. They are not a necessary item so I wouldn't.

    The saddle looks okay ( I have never seen that type before so it must be a new line) bear in mind that it will show up all the dirt but, being synthetic, will at least be easy to clean.

    Nice bridle

    My horse's fave likkit - actually they don't particularly like them they like these -

    What keeps them amused - they love being out in the field, I only keep them in at nights in the worst part of winter.

    I have both saddle pads and numnahs- I use whichever I grab first, it doesn't really make a difference.

    I wouldn't advise using a garden shed as a tackroom, they aren't all that secure. If you have nowhere onsite to keep your gear then take it home with you - it's much safer. The shed would make an excellent place to store hay though.

  7. hi

    treats - about a week

    the saddle - I'm not to keen on

    bridle - i like it

    likits - apple and mint in the likit holder

    amusement - boredom ball

    ride - saddle pad and some times a numnah

    garden shed - yep you could

    hope i helped and good luck

  8. well good for you for knowing what you need an things


    bag of treats - around 2 weeks because we do a lot of training so he gets a lil treat when he does it right

    saddle price - i payed around £200 for mine 6 months ago an its still good as new so the more the price the better lol its nice

    fave likit - would probably be Honey & Camomile or Cherry

    amused - he likes playing with a ball an just strolling around the pasture and spending time with his next door neighbour lol probably only cause shes female but anyway

    fave treats - sugar cubes or apples he doesn't really like treat treats only when training

    i use a saddle pad most of the time ... hardly ever a numnah

    good luck


  9. For treats, I wouldnt really bother with store specialty goodies.  My guys love raw corn, apples, carrots, peppermints, candy canes, candy hearts, necco waffers... I know here in the staes you can get a bag of apple waffers that is maybe 25 pounds or so for dirt cheap and they tend to last awhile, but how long treats last all depends on how often you give your horse treats, and if you share with the other horses.  Mine never tend to last long!

    The solid brown saddle looks to be a good deal, not familiar with the brand so I cant tell you anything about quality, but if you are planning on doing any showing you will want to go with a leather saddle, and there is a big price jump there.

    For likits, my horse has the bordom breaker one, but I really want to get her the tongue twister style.  With the bordom breaker you have to watch that its far enough away from a wall otherwise the horse will pin it against the wall and eat the entire treat.  Her fav flavor seems to be the mint one.

    My guys fav treats I already listed at the top, but they also love animal cracker, oatmeal cookies, ginger snaps, molasas cookies, peanut butter cookies, tootsie rolls, apple pie, BREAD and BAGELS are adored by all.  What keeps her amused? Well she has toys in her stall (likit and a jollyball) but my colt gets more enjoyment out of the jollyball so he will get that when he gets his own stall, but when I am not down there with them, my mare is out with the heard, and my colt is out playing with the other foals which keeps them busy.

    I ride with a saddlepad, but I think its a matter of personal preference.  I dont see any reason why you couldnt use a garden shed, so long as water, and critters cannot get inside.

    Good luck!

    Bridle looks to be good, dont know if it is leather or synthetic, but again you will want leather for showing, if not, synthetic is the cheaper way to go.

  10. Treats - with mine? about 5 mins! unless I can put up with feeling evil, in which case about a week

    Saddle - price seems a bit too good to me, be careful about quality, and when buying a saddle it MUST be fitted by someone qualified, so you'd be better off going to a saddlery. Synthetics are great if they're good quality & properly fitted as they're lighter weight & low maintenance. If you want to buy online, get Wintec, they're always good quality and you can alter the width (they make a gullet gauge so you can tailor it to your horse), and the air filled panels mean no more re-flocking!

    Bridle - looks ok but not brilliant. Alright if you don't ride much & aren't going to do x-country. Leather doesn't look fantastic, so you'd need to use lots of leather feed to soften & strengthen it, but I'd shop around for something better; look in saddleries so you can inspect the quality of the leather and the stitching.

    Likits - used to be apple, but I now know lots of yards that have banned them after choking incidents; most horses bite sections off instead of l*****g (they're soft enough to do so), and these can get stuck, I heard of horse that choked to death during the night. If you're going to feed likits, watch the whole time just in case (usually doesn't take long for them to be demolished). But I've now stopped getting them.

    If your horse gets bored in the stable, horseballs are great - you can put feed in them & they spend ages pushing it around to get it out. My horse loves a hanging ball with molasses on it (very messy, but worth it!). In the evening I hide carrots thoroughout his hay (on the floor) to keep him entertained. Most horses I know far prefer apples or sugar lumps to any special horse treats!

    I always ride with a thin saddlecloth, aside from minimising the risk of rubbing (which shouldn't happen much if your saddle is properly fitted, but sometimes just shoulder movement can cause it), they also absorb sweat to prevent chafing, and keep your saddle clean of grease & hair.

    Be aware that thick numnahs like polypads can change the fit of the saddle, but are useful if your horse has a sensitive back or you're just waiting for the saddle fitter.

    As for the garden shed - of course! My own shed is currently full of off-season rugs, old tack, back-up sacks of feed (I have to order in the one I use, so I have to find room for a lot of them), and various odds and ends I've collected over the years that I can't fit in the tack room. Just make sure it's dry in there!

  11. Good on you that you are making sure you know everything you need to know about owning a horse before actually getting it. :-)

  12. hey!

    i personally dont like the saddle as it is silver and wont look as nice as normal black/brown, and as its suede the silver will get marked and look worse. as you are looking for a synthetic saddle iwould go for a wintec, they are more expensive but had mine for 7 yrs and it came with the pony. i would also be careful buying saddles as cheep as that.

    the treats would last about a week to two weeks.

    i love the bridle, i would get a saddle which would go really well wih it to make it look nicer.

    i use both a saddle cloth and a numnah depending on whats clean!

    good luck!

    and have fun!

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