
Horses Tail ?

by Guest57933  |  earlier

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My horse's tail at the top is completely bare,we thought it was maybe our other pony biting it out but they have been seperate this week as keepin our other pony off grass and now we realised it is not him,what can we use to help the hair come back or stop him gettin a bare tail ?




  1. he is probably itching it. he could have some type of worm or his skin is dry. go to your local pet supply store and ask for this product.   M-T-G.  it is used for many dif. things but it can grow tail hair back

  2. there's a good chance he's rubbing his rear on a fencepost or something.

    it might just be nervous habit, like cribbing or pacing.

  3. It sounds like your horse could be suffering from sweet itch which is where the midges bite on the top of the tail and the saliva they produce irritate the skin hence why he is rubbing his tail on a fence post-like us with an itch we have to relieve it, its just natural! The best thing to do is get some special strong sweet itch cream to relieve the inflammation and itchiness and i would advise you to put a special fly/midge rug on-the best is the boett rug-so that no more midges/flys can get to his tail, failing that you could keep him stabled at the worst midge times ie at dawn and dusk. I hope this helps and if all else fails consult your vet. Thanks for listening and i hope your horse gets better! :-)

  4. Sounds like your horse is rubbing his tail ......

    Do you worm regularly???  And do you switch worming types???  I worm every other month .... and I switch products .... worms will actually build immunities if you always use the same thing .... also watch the expiration dates ... wormers have short shelf lives ...... Make sure you are worming enough ...... to little wormer is also bad ...

    GREAT article in either H&R June 2008 or Eqquus June 2008 ... can't remember which one I read it in ...

    Good Luck!

  5. i also have a horse who has this symptom. it may be a condition called sweetish witch is called by a reaction from flies on sensitive skin. there are many products in place which can relieve the itching need!! there is one product called camrossa which i swear by!!! it has excellent healing properties and in many cases has helped a deal with this condition. using a fly repellent will also reduce the amount of flies irritating you horse. i hope this information helps. you can also talk to Ur local saddlery who will be able to recommend some products to use.

  6. He may have a condition called sweet itch which causes the horse to scratch its tail off a fence or anything that will relieve it. I suggest going to your nearest horse product supplier and ask them for an ointment or a cream to apply to the effected area.

    All the best hope i helped

  7. Your horse could be rubbing it's tail against a wall or post to itch itself.  This could be a sign of a skin irritation or fungus.

  8. your horse could have mites in his tail. get a cream or wash his tail reguraly like every 2 days

  9. its probabally that he is rubbing it or has worms so you should consult a vet incase it is worms

    to help the hair grow back, i found that shapley's M-T-G works great!!

  10. He could be rubbing his tail against fence, stall etc.  If this is the case, you need to find out why he is doing it.  It could be he has worms.  Check with you vet.

  11. He might be rubbing it on the fence or fence post. He does that if he has worms, and he is itchy. Give him some wormer and see if it gets better. If it doesn't, call the vet and you could wrap his tail with vet wrap, so it just rips the vet wrap.

  12. He's probably scratching his tail on something. You might want to wrap it when he's out of your sight. You shouldn't do this permanently just to help it start growing. The supplements Platinum Performance and Farrier's Formula work wonders on the coat.

  13. There are a couple reasons this might happen. First make sure that your horse is up to date with all his wormers. If you're sure he doesn't have worms, make sure his tail is nice and clean. A lot of dirt can irritate his skin. You can put baby oil on his tail (make sure you also get underneath where the hair doesn't naturally grow) to relieve the itching. Your horse might also have a fungus or bacteria. You can go to a tack shop and buy a special product to fix this.

    If you don't want to spend the time and money buying the product from the tack store, you can always make your own!  Find an empty spray bottle and fill it half with listerine (or a similar brand of aniseptic mouth wash) and half with baby oil. Just spray it on your horse's tail daily, and that should kill the fungus or bacteria! The listerine kills harmful bacteria and fungus while the baby oil soothes the itch. I used this on my horse, and it worked well. However, if you don't start seeing some improvement after a week or so, you might need something more heavy-duty, or the problem might not be with fungus and bacteria at all.

    The last thing that might be causing this is that your horse might have developed an alergy to something. You can ask the vet for some alergy medicine if you think you need it, or  you can try soothing it with baby oil. If it's alergies, the problem will probably go away with the change of the seasons.

    There are a lot of reasons why this could be happening. If you can't figure out and it gets worse and worse, you might want to call a vet.
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