
Horses...dressage, leg yields, pirouette?

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how do you get a horse to perform a leg yield, what signals do you use and how do you keep the movement flowing? Also the same questions for pirouette. I've just started dressage and I'm having a little trouble, I've been riding for more than 6 years but only basic dressage.




  1. Leg yield is the best dressage move to start with as it is one of the more basic moves.

    You carry out a leg yield in walk or trot.  Bring the horse onto an inner track (ie away from the school wall, as you are going to move back to the outside track).

    If you are leg yielding to the right, bring your left (inside) leg back slightly behind the girth and gently ask the horse to move over to the right.  Your right (outside) leg stays on the girth to maintain the impulsion and straightness of the horse.  The horse should be bent ever so slightly to the inside (so you can see his nostril and eye).  The outside hand guides the horse in the direction you want him to move.

    The next move you should try is shoulder-in, rather than pirouettes.  In this move the horse's shoulders move onto the inside track, whilst the back laegs stay on the outisde track.

    Try these links which will give you more information, and pictures:

    Remember, if in doubt, ask your instructor.  You are better off paying someone to show you how to do it properly rather than doing it wrong!

  2. leg yeild is a great move to loosen up the horse, gain confidence, show him where he's putting his feet, etc. Start by warming up at the walk/trot and really loosen your horse up, do a lot of bending, counterbending, make sure they're paying attention to your aids, do some shallow serpentines, figure eights, transitions,just keep them relaxed and paying attention and doing their job as you ask them.  

    Come out of a corner and cut acroos the ring so your at an angle to the rail. Halt 5-10 feet from the rail (just guesstimate) you don't want to get too close to the rail just because the horse might feel blocked up if you do. then slight;y bend their neck to the inside, keep your inside leg on the girth, the other slightly behind and tap their side with the outside leg, ask gently at first then more firmly. you can use half halts and both legs to slow, then straighten them as needed.

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