
Horses fouling roads, paths, cycle-paths etc. What do you reckon ?

by  |  earlier

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If a dog owner can be fined, (£50 around here), for not clearing up, what is it with horses, and their poo everywhere.

OK, I live in a rural area, so not a huge problem in cities perhaps, BUT.

Although I do ride now and then up bridleways and like horses, I have had to drive through loads of manure on the road, so car-wash time again & again.

Also, when cycling on a cycle path, used by horses, you have to swerve around the dung piles.

Shouldn't those horse riders using public places be subject to a similar penalty if they don't carry a sack & shovel to clear up ?

Any notions ?





  1. Agree. I skidded on some horse manure once and ended up in the ditch (on my motorbike).

    Thank god we dont have elephants walking about! lol

  2. Horse poo is just grass so won't hurt anyone, whereas dog poo is mangey old rotting meat which stores nasty diseases. Horse poo can also be used as fertilizer for your garden so why not collect it up and use or sell it. It's part of the rural way of life so stop worrying about it and ride round it.

  3. i think its more of a health disease issue with dogs..........does horse pooh carry any diseases? i mean people put it on their gardens.

  4. I have a lovely pony for the very reason of not having to put my hand in a plastic bag and pick up said p**p.  It dries out okay and is not a nasty slimy stinking disease pile of p**p that dog doo is.  Plus I can get a lift home of said pony from destination, compared to a smelly wet dog that probably would want me to carry it home!

  5. Same should apply or they should be ridden on off the roads and cycle paths.  It is not pleasant when one stumbles on a pile of dung.

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