
Horses that are frequently exercised need what?

by Guest57627  |  earlier

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* Increased carbohydrates

* Increased fats

* Increased glucose

* Increased protein




  1. They need an increase of both, carbohydrates and protein.

  2. Water

  3. All the above.

  4. Good question.  Depends on who you ask!

    They do need extra calories.  How they get those calories is a big subject for debate.   Traditionally they were given more grain (carbs) which also has some protein naturally; carbs break right down into sugar though.  Some researchers are finding that horses worked hard may recover faster from a diet with more fat calories added.   Fat offers a longer slower burn of energy.  We also know now that some breeds such as QHs and drafts get metabolic problems related to exercise (PSSM and EPSM), which is better treated with an increase in the % of calories from fat and decrease in simple sugars.

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