My family doctor recently sent me to have an IVP done because I have been getting one UTI after another after another for a long time. I would have to say about 6 years or more. I would take antibiotics and then as soon as I get off them I would get another UTI.
The results came back from the IVP normal, except they have found out that I have a horseshoe kidney. From what I have read on the internet, having a horseshoe kidney doesn't really mean you will have problems.
I have been having a lot of back pain mainly on my right side and some pain on my right front side. This has been going on for about a month and some odd days. I have also been having a fever on and off, itch skin, burning during urination, and fowl smelling urine.
I went to one Urologist who did a urinalysis and only found blood in my urine. He did not seem too concern which kind of made me mad because I was in so much pain. I was on antibiotics at the time, that my family doctor had put me on over 2 or 3 weeks ago. He told me to stop taking the antibiotics and to schedule another appointment with him for 3 weeks later. He wanted to get the infection back so he could culture it. This makes sense to me but 3 weeks seemed like a long time.
As soon as I stopped the antibiotics my back started hurting hurt more and I had more symptoms of a UTI. I get these UTIs/kidney infections sometime without any cause at all. I know all the causes and trust me they are not what has been causing them. I'm concerned that I keep getting these UTIs and I don't feel like the doctors are really listening to me. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.