
Horsey poems and rhymes?

by  |  earlier

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I answered a question about missing hoof picks where the asker included a ryhme about how things always go missing etc. It got mt thinking! We should collaborate our horsey poems/rhymes etc. Here's the one I added about missing hoof picks etc. (It's not very good lol! I wrote it!)

Does your dandy brush sprout legs

And run away with the mane comb?

Do your gloves go off their pegs

Though you left them safe at home?

Have your travel boots gone travelling

When not worn by your horse?

Are your bandages unravelling

Half way round the XC course?

Do your schooling whips go walk about

And come back when snapped in two?

And you'll have something to talk about

When there's no paper in the loo!

Do you always walk your courses

Finding they fill you with fright?

Well that's the joy of horses;

Nothing ever works out right!




  1. have you ever lost your jodhpurs

    though you put them in the draw

    so you have to ride in denim

    even though it makes you sore

    do your keys sneak off and lurk

    in the recesses of your car

    and although you hunt and search

    how did they get so far ?

    where did you leave that wormer

    and the scissors and the soap

    is it underneath the numnahs

    or mixed up in the rope

    and what about the plaiting bands

    and the other pulling comb

    oh no, they're with the hoofpicks

    and I've left them all at home !

  2. a horse of course!

    or even a zorse!

    you need a dandy brush with hair thats coarse!

    and a ring with a jumping course!



  3. Do you ever look about the stable,

    Looking for those lead ropes?

    There aren't any on any tables;

    This is such a joke.

  4. I love horses best of all the animals, I love horses they're my Friends!

    I wrote that myself. Pretty good eh?

  5. The Sheath Cleaning Song

    How's it hangin'?

    So much cleaner.

    Aren't you glad I

    washed your wiener?

    I'll admit it's

    kinda creepy

    that I had to stick my arm up in your pee-pee.

    It was sticky.

    It was gunky.

    It felt icky.

    It smelled funky.

    It was cruddy,

    it was crusty--

    when you stuck it out, it creaked like it was rusty.

    After half an

    hour of toilin'

    and of squirtin'

    baby oil in,

    you're as fresh there

    as a daisy.

    Either this means I love you or else I'm crazy!!!

    From friends website

  6. Speak kindly to your little horse,

    And soothe him when he wheezes,

    Or he may turn his back on you,

    And kick you where he pleases.



         by Hilma (Volcano) Volk

    They pulled up in a station wagon

    Lookin' for a horse to buy.

    I didn't have too many left -

    Sold most to some camp guy.

    But there were four behind the barn

    They'd look at if they could.

    "What about that appaloosa?"

    I replied, "She don't look too good."

    He said, "I used to own some horses

    And I've got a pretty good eye

    For judging conformation;

    Her withers are slightly high."

    She said, "Yes, but the bones are fine

    And the forehead's nice and wide.

    The shoulders are sloped just right;

    And what a remarkably colored hide."

    I drawled, "Yup, them spots are showy.

    But no, I don't think you should

    Take that mare on home with you

    'Cause she don't look too good."

    They eyeballed her up and down,

    Felt for flaws that might be hidden,

    An' jest a lovin' that flashy coat

    An' asked if she'd ever been ridden.

    "Most likely has, but this mare's

    More for makin' colts in a brood.

    You don't want her for ridin'

    'Cause she don't look too good."

    With that I hopped upon her back

    To prove she wouldn't buck.

    They smiled at each other

    An' I knew I was in luck.

    I said, "She's priced two thousand, firm."

    They had the cash on hand.

    They asked, "Can you deliver?"

    "I'll go load her in the van."

    Next day he came back snortin' fire,

    "You lying, horse tradin' hood.

    You cheat, that appaloosa's blind."

    "I told ya...she don't look too good."

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