
Horus and Jinzo Deck?

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Can you give me some suggestions? I need to know what cards are staple/important for these sort of decks. I'm thinking of running:

Jinzo x2

Horus LV6 x2 or 3

Horus LV8 x2

But I suppose I'm at a risk if I draw all of the above cards in one time; I won't be able to summon any of them.




  1. dont worry on drawing all at the same time. worry on if you are gonna draw ANY in the first hand. remember its a 40 card deck and that means low probabilities.

    I say 3 jinzos, 2 royal decrees for total trap clearing. a few jinzo - returner for more jinzos, 3 Horus 4, 3 Horus 6 and 2 horus 8 for spells, and maybe even a couple Destiny hero Plasmas for total control over monster effects and free target monster removal. think lots of special summoning cards, lots of tribute fodder, and level ups, level mods.

    hope this helped.

  2. If you're gonna run that many Jinzos, I'd throw in an Amplifier or 2.  They allow you to use traps while your opponent can't.  A Spell Canceller might help as well; it's kind of like a Jinzo, except it nails spells instead of traps.  Then you throw in the staples; Monster Reborn, Lightining Vortex, Brain Control, Premature Burial.  A Prime Material Dragon may also be useful.  Then you'll want something to guard your lifepoints; I'd recommend a Spirit Reaper or a Marshmallon for that.  Treeborn Frog is also good for this.  Grave Squirmer can take out any card on the field, magic trap or monster, when he is destroyed.  A Soul Exchange may help get your Jinzos on the field, and Pot of Avarice is pretty good for retrieving good cards.  This isn't enough to create a whole deck, but I hope i helped a bit.
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