
Hospital question..?

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do they still make you have a e***a? and also do they still make a nurse shave you down there? they did that to my mom when she had my brother but on the other hand that was 17 years ago. do they still do that?




  1. they may ask if you wish to have an e***a, but it depends on hospitals.  I was asked about it with my first 3 children that were all delivered at the same hospital, but not with this last one- he was delivered at a different hospital.

  2. Okay, I don't know anything about enemas so that's probably something that happened in years past.  As for being shaved, that only happens if you are having a c-section and they only shave what they need to (where the incision will be, which is down low in the supra-pubic area).  Otherwise, if you have a vaginal birth, you will not be shaved.

  3. No, these practices stopped being routine (at least in 99.99% of hospitals) 20-30 years ago or more. (My daughter is 16, and neither one was even suggested.)

  4. They didn't make me have an e***a and the nurse did not shave down there for me.

  5. Most likely depends on your hospital.  You should go and ask the labor/delivery nurses when you go on a tour of the area.  Most likely they don't.  When I was in labor they didn't do either to me for either of my kids, but I also didn't get to push either of my babies out.

  6. I believe so yes.

  7. no they did not do any of that to me. I have 2 and am 33 weeks with #3


  9. No, they don't do either of those things anymore.

  10. No to both questions. At least not at the hospital and Dr. I went to.

  11. i had neither.  i gave birth to premature twins (36weeks) and i didnt have an e***a or shaving.  17 years ago,,things were different and they had different ideas on what was best.  i have not heard of any of my sisters, inlaws, or friends say they have been shaved or enemas.
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