
Hossa's money woes?

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Ok. The pens don't have to worry about signing Malone, Roberts, Hall, or Orpik. Why can't they give Hossa what he wants?




  1. hes not as interested in money as he is time, hes looking for 7 years, blame that on his agent. He liked the original 5 year offer but his agent told him what if you get hurt and lose all that guaranteed $$$, so he is testing the market and orpik isnt out of the question yet.

  2. we have other players that we want to keep too. I wouldn't be surprised if he leaves even if he gets a good sum of money. He's a good player and infortunately won't stay anywhere real long.

  3. Cause they can't afford him.

    They have Malkin and a whole crop of youngsters who are gonna be shipped off if they don't leave room in the future and I think Hossa wants a longer term deal, so thats a problem.

  4. Does any team really want 3 guys (Crosby, Malkin, and Hossa) making as much as the rest of the team combined?

    That's not the ticket to a winning hockey club.

  5. They tied but Hossa would like to test the Free Agency and see if he can get more money out of it. He may still go back to the Pens

  6. Well, supposedly the Bruins have offered (or are going to offer) Hossa a 12 year deal for around 100 million according to the NY Post.

    If thats the case, thats pure insanity and theres no way the Pens could be able to match it and stay under the cap.

  7. If they make a real play for Hossa, they'll be looking at committing approximately 50% of their cap number on 3 players.

    What happens when Fleury's deal comes up? How about Staal and Letang?

    The math doesn't add up unless they plan on letting either Malkin or Crosby walk in the next couple of years.

  8. Pens16 said it best. Contract length is what is rumored the big hold-up with him. I would like him to say and I think he will fit in better than Jagr. (Pen's GM contacted Jags about possibly returning) I think that Jagr will only cause too much trouble in the locker room w/ Crosby anyway.
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