
Hossa willing to take pay cut, do you think this will work out?

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Just read an article, Hossa said he'd be willing to take a smaller salary to stay on the Penguins. Crosby has already taken a pay cut, but its impossible to expect all the other young talent (Malone is a free agent, Malkin, Staal, and Fleury will become FA's next season) to do the same. How do you think the Penguins will manage their offseason?




  1. fleury is a free agent now and personally I think Hossa is gone. We can't afford to keep all of the players and as far as media goes - it's Crosby or bust. Honestly, there is no room in the spotlight for Hossa as good as he might be.  I really want him to stay though

    beer slayer - he's still under contract and he did take a pay cut  - google it you'll find it pretty fast

  2. hossa will be gone. hes just gonna cost too much when it comes down to it. id rather sign 2 or 3 of their other FA's then sign him.

  3. link.

    hossa wont take anything less than 8m.  

    if the penguins resign hossa, they wont have enough for malkin next year.

  4. i think its really to early to can bounce around 20 diffrent scenrios...but it's up to Shero and Hossa...

  5. Crosby is under contract. Did he re-negotiate or what?

    **** seriously....when did Crosby take a pay cut? I got a thumbs down for some reason.

    **** 6 days..That's my point...he signed for a given amount. He was at entry level and then signed his contract. He hasn't since taken a paycut.

  6. In todays NHL, dynasties are no longer, and change is neccesary if you want to stay successful, The ottawa senators this year is an example of not enough change, the hurricanes, the lightning, and even my flames.  so i think that they should let hossa walk, and search for some role players, since they already have malkin and crosby.  if the pens try and keep the same team, they wont get too far in the playoffs.  and hossa says he will take a pay cut, but 6mil. at least, but what about they years.  he is at the age where hes gonna want to stay a while, and 7 mil for 6 years is not going to work well on the pens cap and overloading on stars never works.  you have 3-4 guys who could score, bu tthen theres nothing else.  doesnt get you anywhere

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