I have a friend who is taking me to NYC for my birthday. Although we have been friends for a long time we grew up very differently. To put it simply I was raised around money and she was not. She likes the simpler things in life, and that is fine with me i do my best not to be picky. I would have been fine with an in-expensive hotel or something along those lines, but she chose a hostel. I've never stayed in a hostel, and I work for a 5-star inn. Needless to say I am used to nicer things and I'm not sure what I am in for going to a hostel. I am greatful that she is planning a trip for me, but we obviously have very different ideas of where is a decent place to stay. Like I say I am doing my best not to be picky and I'm trying to look on the positive side of this. How bad are hostels compared to hotels?